Durmstrang Boys and Balance Issues

Start from the beginning

"Ace, there are more blokes out there than just him. What about Ramsey Wood? You two seem quite friendly in Potion Class" Kelly waved to one of the portraits as she spoke to me. Merlin's Beard, sometimes that girl is crazier than Luna Lovegood.

"In case you haven't noticed, he is extremely popular. I mean, not as much as Harry or Ron, but still, popular" I rolled my eyes and yet again narrowly avoided the disappearing step.

"Oh! Harry's a pretty cute bloke as well; you could always give him a go!"Laura said. I laughed, and I laughed loud. Me, date Harry Freaking Potter?! What a joke! I wasn't about to go on a date with some bloke who had the possibility of dying this year! I didn't need that kind of drama in my life.

"Please! Just stop all of this now! I do not need to have a date for the Yule Ball!" Sure, ok, maybe I wanted one but what would be the point? The night of the Yule Ball was when George and I were going to find the book in the Restricted Section, so I'd be ditching whatever sorry bloke I went with, halfway through the night anyways.

"What about George Weasley?" Kelly asked as she pulled at a curl and watched it bounce back up.

"Yeah, you have been spending an awful lot of time together" Laura's voice was inquisitive and I couldn't help but throw my hands in the air in exasperation.

"What! I'm not allowed to be friends with the boys?" I stormed into the Great Hall, and saw something that at this moment, made me want to give up on boys forever. George and Fred were waiting on the inside of the entrance, arms crossed, and clearly waiting for me.

"Hello Ace, I hear that they are serving SPICY baked beans this morning" George laughed. Even though that little bean incident had occurred a week ago, they wouldn't let me live it down. EVER.

But that wasn't the only time I had embarrassed myself around these boys in the past week. I've run into the wall while talking to them, tripped up the stairs in my skirt and possibly showed them my knickers, stubbed my toe on the mantel and backed into the same suit of armour I tripped over during the Firewhiskey Incident.

"Oh shove it, Weasley" I strode past him and sat down at our table, loading eggs onto my plate. They sat down on either side of me, still laughing, though not as loud.

"I'm sorry Ace, you know I only make fun of you because I fancy you" George winked and blew a kiss at me. I caught it in my hand and tucked it into the pocket of my jumper. That was enough to make Fred grimace, which was pretty funny to me.

"So Ace, I'm curious. What's your favourite Quidditch team?" Fred asked me as he took a bite of his toast and spit crumbs everywhere. Honestly, do boys even know what manners are?

"Um, Gryffindor?"I said, almost like a question. I really wasn't into Quidditch, shocker right?

"Are you kidding me? Do you not know Quidditch?" Fred gave me a look of complete and udder shock, clutching a hand over his chest.

It's not that I didn't like it; it was the fact that I was horrible at it. That day when Harry and Draco chased each other around in the sky, I stood there pathetically still trying to get that evil bundle of twigs to fly off the ground and into my hand. Then, when Harry was taken away and the class resumed again, I flew two feet off the ground and fell on my head.

I think that if I did play Quiditch, I wouldn't survive three minutes. I would be hit with the bludger and knocked off my broom only to fall to my death. Dramatic? Maybe, but better safe than sorry.

"Have you even ever played Quiditch before?" George asked as he helped himself to the rest of my toast. I shook my head and he rolled his eyes as if the answer to the earth's problems were suddenly clear. "Well how do you know you don't like it, if you haven't even tried it?"

"Because, the first and last time I flied, I fell on my bloody head! And that was from two feet in the air! Imagine if I went up any farther than that?" I stood up from the table and exited the Great Hall, and George perused.

"Well I think you should at least give it a go! Come on Ace, I really think that it could really help you...." he whispered the last few words incoherently.

"Pardon? I didn't catch the last bit" I walked out to the exterior of the school. The breeze was nice as the chilly December air nipped at my nose and ears.

"I said I think it would help you with your....." yet again he mumbled the last few words.

"George Weasley, if you do not spit it out this very second I swear to Merlin that you will wish that you had" I shivered and leaned against an extremely large oak tree.

"I said I think it will help you with your balance issues" he spit out quickly and gave me a sheepish grin. He tucked his hands into his pant pockets and leaned against the same tree I did.

"I do not have balance issues!" and with that, I lost my footing and tumbled away from the tree. Merlin's Beard, I honestly hate my bloody life.

George was laughing too hard to be able to respond so I picked myself up yet again and headed back inside the school. Note to self, all boys are idiots. But especially lanky, ginger ones.

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