George smiled and put an arm around me, assisting in my struggle to maintain a vertical posture. "You know, it's not the smartest thing to be lingering in the halls at night, especially while drunk, my little rebel" he laughed. He was always laughing. He had a very pretty laugh.

"You have a pretty laugh" the words tumbled from my mouth without permission. Oh crap, did I really just say that out loud? I could feel my cheeks going redder as I covered my mouth and turned from him in another attempt to make my way back to the common room. "Beside's, I'm not THAT drunk... I'm just a tad tipsy."

"Yeah, and I'm a strawberry blond. Now let's get you out of here before anyone see's you" George took a step and began guiding me down the hallways. I struggled in his grasp and eventually just let gave into his help. "So, what encouraged tonight's adventures in fire whiskey?"

"Because boys are stupid and horny, and roommates are treasonous" I pulled the bottle out of my cloak and took a sip of the last liquid that the bottle still contained. George looked down at me and pulled the bottle from out of my hands before stowing it in the pocket of his own cloak.

"Well everybody knows that" he laughed, ruffling my hair slightly. "Want to give me some specifics?"

"Well as it turns out, men have these needs, you see." I felt around in my pockets for it only to come up empty. "Where's my wand?" George smiled and pointed to my wand, which was stuck in my boot. "Thanks. Anyways, men have needs and apparently that git Seamus felt the need to get Pavarti Patil to fulfill these needs. All while dating me. So ya see... I guess I don't need to bother with those two toe rags anymore."

George, unable to restrain himself, let out a sharp bark of a laugh. "HA! Toerags, that one's vintage" he laughed. I grimaced up at him, entirely displeased with being laughed at in my current state. "But yes I do believe I've heard a thing to two about these needs." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his daft eyebrow waggle. His eyebrows were cute, like two fuzzy red caterpillars on his face.

"Really though, Ace. I'm sorry that happened to you. But you're right, you're likely better off surrounding yourself with more loyal friends than that." His face softened as he continued to guide me down the corridor, the porthole quickly coming into view.

I opened my mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the sharp sound of heels clicking against the stone floor and suddenly filling the hallway with echos. Every Gryffindor recognized that sound, the sound of Professor McGonagall worked her way up the stairs and towards the Gryffindor common room portrait hole.

"Oh bloody hell! What's the new password?!" George whispered nervously. I shook my head and stumbled over slightly, the password the farthest thing from my brain at the moment. He sighed and looked over his shoulder, checking to see if McGonagall had seen us yet.

She rounded another corner up the staircase and continued on her way up to us. Panic was seeping in as I began to realise what was about to happen. I racked my brain as the panic made everything fuzzier and fuzzier, George shifting on his heel and mumbling past passwords under his breath. All hope was lost when, suddenly the portrait hole opened wide and Fred stood there with a smirk on his face.

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