Holiday Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

My nose began to tickle, and I worried that the sudden change in weather had triggered a nosebleed. I sniffled, waiting for the warm dribble and taste of iron which typically accompanied them, but none came. I wiped my nose only to find snot, and sighed in relief. The near-miss had me thinking back to their list of toffees; boils, fever, puking, engorgement. No nose bleeds. I certainly had had some bad enough in my day that could have gotten me out of class.

"Why don't you try one for nosebleeds?"I suggested, getting up from my armchair and walking towards them. "Might be a little tricky, you don't want anyone bleeding out, but its definitely gross enough that most professors will send you to the hospital wing pretty quickly."

The twins looked at me, eyes squinted in suspicion as they slowly pulled the pile of toffees into their satchels.

"Interesting suggestion" Fred said, half-smiling, still measuring my presence. You could almost feel the twin telepathy between them as they weighed their options in including me in this conversation. "If someone were considering making sickness-inducing toffee, that is."

"Yah" George continued, clicking the clasp of his bag shut. He leaned back in his chair and observed me with a cautious gaze. He crossed his arms firmly over his chest and continued "Definitely interesting. But how does one even go about inducing a nosebleed, short of sticking their wand up their nose." He motioned a hand to an empty chair across from them, inviting me to sit. "Do you got a name?"

"Acelynne, but I go by Ace. I mean, I'm no expert. But I'd assume that sickness-inducing toffee are just charmed" I sat down and eyed the boys carefully.

"Your assumption would be correct. She's a smart one, Fred."

"I do quite believe so, George"

"I took a book from the library once, and I do think that there's some sort of charm for nosebleeds." The boy exchanged glances, nodding to each other before leaning in simultaneously, propping their elbows up onto their knees.

"Where did you find this?"George asked ducking his head to level mine, attempting to meet my gaze.

"It was in a rather old book, I think it was called Revenge for Rebellious Youth. But theres a problem..." I could feel their anticipation growing as they continued to lean in, risking fall forward right out of their chairs and onto my lap.

"Come on, tell us!" Fred prompted, motioning his hand cyclically.

"Well, the only problem is, the book is in the Restricted Section of the library." I sighed. The boys exchanged confused glances before turned back to me, throwing their heads back, and laughing in unison.

"Is that it? Well of course we can manage that!" Fred jumped out of his chair and pulled his satchel up onto his shoulder with swift, jerking motion.

"Well, I don't know, Fred. Don't you have detention all this week? We're going to at least need to do a bit of recon" George rose out of his chair and clapped his brother on the shoulder. "I think you're out of this one mate, we need to get these moving before Christmas."

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