In a new world but.....

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(Now then let's start... Ep 1 of the anime and there are more than one spacequakes. -A/n)

Y/n pov

Y/n: I wonder how tramitized is Tommy after all that's happened.

Y/n: And now there is a bright light portal. Must be how you get revived.....

Meanwhile in Date a live:

*Insert spacequake alarm because why not and I'm lazy*

Back to Y/n

Y/n: Well lets see how it goes...

*Y/n goes through the portal*

Y/n: Wait where TF am I. 

Dream messaged you saying: An error happened with the revive book sorry. This is the only time I can message you in the different world.

Y/n: Well sh-

Y/n: And it looks like I landed and I'm finally back.

???: Stop right there spirit.... wait a sec.

Y/n: Boom!

*An explosion sends Mana into a tree*

Y/n: Ha. I win.

???: Are you sure?

Y/n: Yep. Now have you heard of the phrase "It was never ment to be"?

???: What are you talking about...

Y/n: I see, I guess It was never really ment to be.

Y/n: Boom.

*Y/n dissapears in smoke from the explosion*

Explosive return (Revivedbur reader x Date a live)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant