"But ry, you don't have to come if you don't want to" he told the girl.

"No it's okay. Like you say, nothing to lose" she smiled nervously up at John B who smiled sympathetically back down at the girl. JJ noticed the interaction and felt his whole body tense with jealousy.

He thought him and Riley were finally making progress, he thought since the kiss they would be more, but all that had happened was Riley had almost blanked him completely.

JJ didn't know what came over him but he grabbed Riley's hand and pulled her to his side instead of John Bs. if anything happened in here, he needed to protect her. She looked up at him surprised, but didn't take her hand out of his. The rest of the group noticed, but decided not to speak on it.

"Okay here's the plan" John B told the group as they gathered near the house, all crouching and hiding. "We need to find the wheat near the water, like the letter said"

"Ok like what kind of water, like pond water?" Pope asked John B

"Bong water?" JJ asked immaturely, to which he received a poke in the ribs from Riley.

"It just said look for water okay?" John B told the group.

"That's the shittiest secret message ever" kie stated, to which Riley agreed.

"You wanna complain a little more kie! No one said it was gonna be easy" John B snapped at the girl.

"I'll search the northeast quadrant, you search the northwest quadrant" pope told JJ.

"The decapitation quadrant!?" JJ shouted at pope but he had already walked off.

They carried on searching through the overgrown bushes until John B found a cellar door.

"Hey guys come on, it's the only place we haven't looked" John B whispered to the group who headed over to where he was, Riley's hand still placed in JJs.

The group headed into the cellar, which was dark and gloomy. The floorboards creaked under their feet, as they tried their best to stay quiet.

"Down came mrs Crain, and cut off all our heads. Up came the sun and dried up all the blood" JJ sang.

"JJ I swear to god I'm gonna kill you" Riley whispered to JJ.

"Even if it was a death threat I'm glad you're speaking to me again" JJ whispered back to the girl who rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile, luckily it was dark so no one could see.

"See any water?" Kie asked the group but no one responded.

"Hey let's split up and look around?" Pope suggested to which the group nodded.

JJ and Riley headed off to one part of the cellar whilst the other three stayed in the first section.

"Hey riles, can we talk" he said to the girl.

"Yeah go ahead" Riley said whilst not really listening and still looking around

"No I mean like properly talk" he said grabbing the girl and holding her still in front of him whilst Riley avoided eye contact.

"What's up?" She asked him.

"Why've you been avoiding me?" He asked the girl.

"I havnt been avoiding you" she answered, still avoiding his eyeline

"Riley" he said, grabbing her chin and making her look at him "why have you been avoiding me?" He asked again, looking her head in the eye.

"We kissed JJ! We kissed and things were great! We held hands, and the second anyone questioned what we were you bailed! I actually thought-" but then she stopped herself.

My Girl - JJ Maybank x female OC Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz