"Thank you, Yakko. That means so much." You said, hugging him. He hugged you back, tightly.

"Now you sit there. I'll pack up your things here for you." He said.

"Are you crazy? I'm helping." You said, standing up. He sighed.

"Alright, I guess."

After a couple hours, it was finally done. He ended up putting a couple boxes in his pants just so you wouldn't have to pay for someone else to assist.

Walking into the water tower, the two of you put the boxes in a closet, sitting on the couch from working a lot.

"Man, are we some weaklings." He said, laughing. You giggled.

"Yeah, all we did was carry some boxes and walk."

"For now, just sit back and relax. You may not have a job, but you're with us for now. You don't have to worry about the struggles of deadlines or anything like that right now." He said, smiling. You sighed, leaning back.

"I know. It's just hard on me mentally. I put so much work into this. I was so excited. All of that just got taken away by some old men in suits who care only about money."

He put his hand around your waist, hugging you from the side.

"You don't deserve any of that. I'll make sure you find something that can give you as much happiness as that job did." He said, kissing your cheek.

"Here let's see what positions are available at the studio!" He said, digging his laptop out of his cartoon pants. You blushed, looking away.

"Wanna see what else is in there?" He asked, winking and elbowing you. Your face turned red, as you cleared your throat. He laughed.

"Alrighty, looks like they have a lot of jobs open here. Let's see..what about..accountant?" He asked.

"Hard pass." You said.



"..Nurse?" He said, smirking.

"Definitely not."

"You're no fun." He mumbled.


You thought for a second. You did have fun with drama club in high school. You've only done a two plays and a musical, but it was at least something you enjoyed.

"What's it for?" You asked.

"Not sure, but they're in need of some background characters. It sure would pay the bills at least." He said.

"Hm, wouldn't hurt to try it." You said.

"Aww, my baby's gonna be a movie star." He said in a babyish voice, squishing your cheeks together.

"Talk in that voice again and you'll definitely be seeing some stars, alright." You said, smiling. His eyes widened, as he shrunk down slightly. You giggled.

"Auditions are next week. You think you wanna do it?" He asked. You nodded.

"Maybe one day, you and I can star in our own romance movie. Rated H for 'HELLOO NURSE'." He joked, wrapping his arm around your waist. You giggled.

"Your laugh is so cute, you know that?" He smiled.

"It's only the 20th time you've told me." You said, smiling.

"Hm, how can I get ya to laugh more, I wonder?" He smirked, thinking for a moment. Suddenly, he began to tickle you, causing you to laugh uncontrollably, making him laugh as well.

"Yakko, please! No more!" You said, wiping tears as you kept laughing.

"Only if that means I can have a kiss.~" He said, grinning.

"Alright, alright!" You said, finally able to breathe after he stopped.

"Did I take your breath away?" He said, joking.

"Haha, very funny." You said, giving him a quick peck.

"Well, that was weak." He said. You raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"Was it now?" You asked.

"I'd like to think it was." He said, crossing his arms and making a smug face.

"How about I try again?" You ask.

"You know I don't mind.~" He said, nearing his face to you. As you were about to kiss him again, you ran away.

"You'll have to catch me first!"

"Oh, it's on.." He smirked, getting up and going after you.

can someone start a yakko's world chain in the comments plz

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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