"I'll miss you," the brunette said.

"Lisa, I won't be gone long," Jennie chuckled.

"I know. Are you nervous?"

"A little... but we've been practicing and we have our routines down to a T."

"You'll be great. I know you will be."


"Okay girls, let's get a move on!" Lisa heard the cheerleading coach shout in the background.

"I've gotta go," the blonde sighed.

"Okay, bye, baby."

Lisa couldn't see the grin Jennie was sporting after being called baby for the first time by her girlfriend. The brunette panicked.

"Ah? I mean?" the brunette stuttered. The word baby just well out of her mouth naturally.

"Lisa, it's okay. I liked it. You can call me that," the blonde smiled.

Lisa smiled as well and chuckled sheepishly. "Okay."

"Bye Wolfie."


As soon as the brunette hung up the phone she turned to Jax who was trying his hardest to hold in his chuckles. They were sitting in Lisa's car outside of the redhead's house.

"Shut up, Jax."

"Bye, baby," he repeated, mocking his friend. "Oh, that was hilarious!"

"Whatever man," she replied with a blush forming on her face. "Are you ready?" she asked.

Jax nodded. "Heck yes! Regionals, here we come!" he shouted gleefully.

The brunette chuckled and started the engine. She knew Jax only agreed to come because he wanted to check out the male cheerleaders.

Lisa and Jax sat in the stands of a large recreation center where the cheerleading regionals were being held. Normally, the brunette would find her eyes wandering whenever tons of cheerleaders were around, but not anymore. Not after getting the girl she was always dreaming about.

The two friends had to sit through four squad's routines before the announcer finally called out their high school. Lisa and Jax stood up, hooting and hollering along with other supporters as the girls trotted out onto the mat. The brunette felt her chest expand with pride as she spotted her girlfriend. Jennie looked so pretty with her tight ponytail and makeup, which was a bit heavier for the presentation. Lisa was lost as she stared at her smiling girlfriend, as the girls prepared for the routine.

Suddenly, a hand grasped her forearm pulling her back down to sit.

"Sit down lovergirl," the redhead laughed. "Everyone else is."

Lisa was so mesmerized by Jennie's cuteness, she did not even realize she was the only one still standing. "Oh? whoops?" she muttered, embarrassed.

Jax shook his head and chuckled. "You know what Liz? This suits you."

The brunette frowned and turned to her friend. "What suits me?"

"Love. It suits you."

Lisa rolled her eyes and shoved Jax's shoulder slightly. It was true though. It felt good to be in love.

The music started and the squad began there dance. Midway through the routine, Jax nudged Lisa's shoulder. "Hey, there's your Mom," he said pointing down towards the front row.

Lisa looked over and sure enough Mrs. Manoban was right there, smiling happily at Rosé. "Yep. She always makes sure to get a front row seat," the brunette replied.

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