Self-harm past

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This has nothing to do w/ the story, just your past.


Dove=Cute nickname Luke has for you

Stella=Your sister

*3 years earlier*

(Your POV)

"Luke! Stop it!" I squeal with laughter. "Not until you give me the marshmallows!" Luke continues tickling me. He knows that I'm most ticklish on my stomach. He gets on top of me (don't take that the dirty way B) and goes to my stomach. He lifts up my shirt to blow raspberries and tickle but when he lifted it up, he stopped. Fuck, my cuts. "Babe, what's this?" He asks. I look at my stomach. I quickly pull my shirt down. Luke gets off me, sits beside me and lifts it back up. "What the fuck is this? Have you been cutting?" I could see the worry in his eyes. I sigh. "Yes, Luke, I have." He lets go of my shirt and I pull it down further to cover my stomach. "Why? Was it something I did? Do you want me to change? What's wrong? Tell me please, Y/N" "Luke, babe, it's not your fault." I pulled him closer to me, cupping his face in my hands. "Then, what is it?" His eyes were starting to water. "Just, family issues. I cut when my family is fucked again." He sighs. "Why didn't you tell me, Dove?" He pulls away from my hands and brings them down to hold them. He pulls me in for a hug on the couch. "B-because I was scared." He strokes his hand up and down my back. "What happened? In your family." He asked looking down at me. I sat up to look him in the eye. "Dad's drinking again. Stella overdosed but survived. Mum's in a mental health facility. I just don't know what the fuck to do Luke!" I cry. Luke pulls me back in. "It's ok. I'm here. Always." I breakdown in his arms. 

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