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The two of them didn't necessarily get along all the time, but they weren't constantly at each other's throats either. Their rude remarks towards each other became less of hostility and more of just how they got along. Sure, one of them might step over the line and have a little scuffle, but Heisenberg felt more than guilty for what he'd put Valera through, so they never returned to physical harm.

Valera's cuts and bruises were practically all healed, though to Valera's dislike, the gash on her nose and the cut coming across her lip left nasty looking scars. In some ways, Heisenberg admired them, and in other ways, it made him feel mass amounts of guilt. 

Damon and Heiko had made friends with Valera after she'd fed them some of her dinner one time, and now the door to the room was no longer locked, and Valera knew it. She could leave at any point in time, but Heisenberg had continued to accidentally relay details about Miranda, specifically how if Valera did try to leave, Miranda would have her way no matter what, as Valera wouldn't be allowed to leave without a Lord's consent. 

"Hey, sunshine, you doing alright?" Heisenberg asked from the other side of the door. Valera scoffed.

"Just fine. I really wish you'd give me something to do though. It's boring as hell in here." Valera said. Heisenberg laughed a little from the other side of the door.

"Well, what do you want to do?" he asked. Valera thought about it and came up with nothing.

"Really don't care, I just want something to do." she said. Heisenberg hummed. 

"Well... you can go out and walk Damon and Heiko if you want. Not outside the fence, but around the place." he suggested. Valera thought about it and shrugged. 

"Eh, it'll give me something to do." she said. As she stood, she glanced back at the bed, specifically the indent she'd put in the mattress. She looked towards the chair now, which held her hoodie.

"Is it cold outside?" she asked. Heisenberg had pushed open the door and was leaning against the frame with two leather leashes in his hand.

"A little, but it's not too bad." he answered. Valera nodded a little and threw the hoodie over her head, struggling to pull it down for a second. She head footsteps and jumped away as she felt a light tug on the hoodie. 

"Don't," she said before a smile crossed her face in the fabric. "Back, foul beast!"

She began to cackle as Heisenberg tried to get over to her again and so she started running around. Her arms were stuck up in the air and in the hoodie and she was completely blind.  She was tripping, but not quite yet falling over, and it was a hilarious sight to Heisenberg. 

"Oh my God, stop running!" Heisenberg laughed. Valera finally stopped and got the hoodie situated without help, while laughing. 

"You looked like an idiot." Heisenberg commented. Valera scoffed and folded her arms.

"You look like an idiot. All the time." she teased, snatching the leashes from his hand. Heisenberg rolled his eyes and looked at the two dogs, who happened to have come to watch the chaos. He crouched down and grabbed hold on their collars to help Valera clip the leashes to them. 

"There. Don't let them kill anything out there, they like to eat squirrels and then bring the bodies in." Heisenberg said. Valera sighed.

"Why am I not surprised?" 

She got to the back door of the factory, which she didn't even know was there, and pushed open the doors, squinting at the sudden bright light. The factory was so dark and dreary, the bright light of a cloudy day just shocked her. 

Damon and Heiko were excited to be exposed to open air and both began to yip happily, tugging her around. She did her best to slow them down, but they were awfully strong. She tripped a few times as the dogs saw different things that they felt like chasing and she just watched them. 

The dogs eventually lost interest in dead leaves floating by and then became interested in the gutted tractors, trucks, cars, and tanks in the yard. Or, what could be considered a yard. Valera was just confused as to why there were tanks sitting in front of Heisenberg's factory. Sure, yeah, he might need parts but most parts you could find in a truck or a tractor, right? What did he need tank parts for?

Something of interest finally happened, at least for the dogs. A rabbit appeared from behind a truck and both dogs pointed towards it. Valera racked her mind for any word that would get them to stay, but none came to mind. Both shot forwards as the rabbit hopped and dragged Valera behind them, but she eventually let go as they were too fast for her.

Heiko grabbed the rabbit in his jaws and began to shake it, Damon growling and trying to take it from him. Valera began to approach them but stopped as Heisenberg laughed behind her.

"I wouldn't suggest trying to stop them unless you want your hand bitten off." he said. He instead approached the dogs and stopped at safe distance before barking commands at them.

"Damon! Heiko! Nein, pfui!" Heisenberg said. The two dogs froze and looked at him, Heiko with the rabbit still in his mouth. Heisenberg pointed at the ground.

"Aus." he commanded. Heiko's jaw relaxed and the rabbit rolled out and onto the ground. Heisenberg smiled a little at the two and crouched down, beginning to reach for the rabbit, but paused as the two shepherds snarled.

"Bleib." he said. Damon calmed his snarling, but Heiko didn't a lunged at Heisenberg's hand. He reeled back his hand before Heiko could bite him and glared at him.

"Nein, böser hund!" Heiko then hung his head and stepped back and away from the rabbit, allowing Heisenberg to grab the dead animal and sling it over the top of the fence.

"There we go." he muttered. Valera's throat felt dry from the tone of his voice, as she'd barely heard him command the dogs before except for the one time she did. Heisenberg sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Go ahead and grab the leashes and bring them inside. I'm going into town for a bit. Explore if you want, but don't touch anything. And don't bother the soldats. Any door that's closed, don't open it. And don't leave the factory." Heisenberg said. Valera scoffed.

"Lots of rules for exploring." she commented. Heisenberg turned to look at her.

"Do you want me to tell you that you can only stay in the room?" he asked. Valera sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." she grumbled. She trudged back towards the front door while Heisenberg headed down the gravel path. 

"Oh, and you can let the dogs off the leash as soon as you get to floor two, otherwise they'll be able to get back out." Heisenberg called. Valera didn't respond and instead just lead the dogs inside and to the elevator, pressing the second floor button. As soon as the elevator door opened, Valera crouch and let the dogs off the leashes. They darted out of the elevator quickly and immediately headed towards a bowl of food. Valera just smiled at them.

She decided to do some exploring, at least until she came across the third floor, revealing the conveyor belts travelling over the abyss. She didn't really care about the eerie look, what she cared about was what was on the conveyor belts. They looked like people. Normal people, but with one hand that seemed to be a drill. 

They looked similar to the soldat she fought, but a little less intimidating as they had only one drill. She frowned as she watched the belts travel, figuring she'd have to ask Heisenberg about it later. Soon enough, she found herself in what resembled a forge. It was strange looking, of course, and there were x-rays of human heads with metal bits in them, further confusing her. Another thing she'd have to ask him about. 

She tried not to look at the bodies as they passed on the belts while going up the elevator. Her room just so happened to be on the fourth floor, which gave a perfect view of all the bodies. She sighed and just went to the room without looking behind her. She briefly took notice of the bars missing from the window. A small smile crossed her face for just a second before she went to sit on the bed.

"I guess that was nice of him."


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