My mom, on their bed, naked, with her stomach, arms and legs brusied and tied to the bed. I whimper and let out a howl of pain. My dad shifts back to human form not caring that I'm right behind him. He runs over to the bed.

"Pauline!" He screams. "Polly can you hear me!?" He felt for a pulse, and then sighed. "Oh, thank God you're alive. I would go crazy without you." He looks at me. "Shift and get dressed, then bring me my knife."

I nod and run to my room. I throw on the first things I can find not caring if their dirty or not. I run to dads office and look for his knife. I finally find it, in the side of the chair. Why was it there? I shake my head. Focus. I run back down the hall. "Dad here's your knife. Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find it at first." I say running straight to him. He takes the knife.

"It's okay. The flea infested feline helped with the ropes." He says nodding behind me, while covering my mom with a sheet.

"What flea infes....." I ask as I turn to see kitty boy sitting there. "You!" I growl pointing at him. He is the very last thing I want to see right now. Then why do you feel happy to know he's still around? My wolf asks me. So I can kill him! I yell at her. "You stole my prey!" I shout.

He hisses at me. Ok thats it! I'm going to kill him now!

Before I can even move a muscle. "Eli.....?" My mom whispers.

I look to see my dad holding her hand. "I'm here my love." He answers kissing her forehead. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asks with love and pain in his eyes.

Mom starts crying, like she always does. Silently. "Oh Eli, they...they came out of n-nowhere." She chokes out.

Dad's eyes become more pained. "Who did? Who were they?" He asks.

"They took Liyla. God why do I have to be so weak?" She says so low, even I have a hard time hearing her.

"WHY!?" She screams with pain in her voice.

If it's possible dad's eyes get even more pained. "Shhhh, we're going to get her get her back." He took moms face in his hands. "I promise. We'll get her back." He says with a determined look.

Mom nods tears and trust in her eyes. She looks over and weakly smiles at me, I smile back. Then she looks behind me and sees kitty boy.

"Who's that?" Mom asks dad, her voice sounding broken. Dad gets up, looking at kitty boy. "Actually, I don't know." He replies putting his pants on. "Polly do you know who did this to you? Who took Liyla?" He asks again sitting on the bed wrapping his arms around her waist. Mom winced when dad's hand touched her stomach. I see his jaw clench, and his eyes flash with anger.

Mom nods "It was Stan, he had three vampires with him."

As soon as the words leave her mouth, rage fills me and my wolf. I turn and walk past kitty boy, pull my fist back, and punch the wall.

"Birayn!" Mom shrieks. "What are you doing to my wall!?"

"I should have done more then just punch that ass-hole." I growl. "I should have killed him."

"Rain. Calm down, get a hold on your wolf." My dad says trying to calm me.

I turn to him. Fuming. "Why aren't you angry!? Do you not care what that, that monster did to mom!? That he has Liyla!?" I yell at him.

Dads eyes turn black. With his jaw clenched he gets up and walks toward me. "Is that what you think? You think I'm not angry? I'm more then angry, no one can describe the rage I'm feeling right now." He says in a deadly calm voice.

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