Chapter Two~ A place to stay

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I did the same routine for at least two weeks minus the car and unpacking. I quickly realized that this was causing me a lot of money and I had to make a decision to rent a place. A week has passed and I didn't find anyone who I liked or that felt safe and I was starting to get depressed. Suddenly I got a message asking me if I was looking for a place. I said "yes I have been looking for a week now". The person replied almost immediately after saying "My brothers and I live in a very nice sized house together. We have extra rooms and all we need is someone to clean for us and living expenses are paid off and you will also be collecting a check of $1,000 every month. Are you in"? After reading the text I gasp not knowing how to respond.

In my head I said this is too good to be true. I replied asking for a little more information. So he sent me pictures of the yard, the house and the rooms that I can choose from. He told me that they don't take pictures so he couldn't send any but I will be able to see them if I come. He also added that the brothers rarely socialize. 

I told him that's fine and asked when I could come. He told me other people are trying to move in as well so anytime between today which is Monday and Wednesday. This sounds a bit sketchy but other people are trying to get it and I am desperate so I told him I'll be there packed and ready on Wednesday morning. He said good to hear and that was it. I shutdown my laptop and began to pack. 

When I was almost done I typed out a list in my phone so I can remember what I need to do and get tomorrow. After that, I put my laptop on charge in the room and put my phone on charge in the bathroom so I can listen to my bible while I shower. When I was done I dried off, threw on an oversized T-shirt, crawled into bed and went fast asleep. I woke up one o'clock pm and quickly realized I slept off half of my day. I quickly brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, grabbed my keys and wallet and I was off. 

My first stop was a hair salon. My GPS directed me to the best one and I got knotless braids. It took me about four hours after I was done I paid the lady and I loved how it turned out. Next I set up my GPS to direct me to the best nail salon and it did. It really was the best nail salon. I got a manicure and a pedicure. After that I went to get a pepper spray just in case you know. 

When I was done checking my list I headed back to the hotel to finish packing. The following morning I got up early, took a long bubble bath and I shaved my legs, my arms, my armpits and other places that shall not be mentioned. Not that it matters, it just makes me feel better. I put on a sundress and white vans. I sprayed my favorite perfume, got my things and went down to the front desk. I checked out and a bellman helped me with my bags. When everything was already in the car I got in and put the directions I was sent in the GPS. Halfway there I was a bit nervous but when I arrived I was completely nervous.

I sat in the car for at least 20 minutes contemplating. I finally got the guts to come out and knock on the door but no one answered. Five minutes passed, still no answer. I started to head back to the car midway I heard " sorry to keep you waiting". I turned around only to find the most gorgeous man standing at the door.
Gorgeous man: "Rose right"? 

I barely mutter out the word yes. He looks better than the man who caught me a taxi. This man is at least six foot, with hazel and green eyes, a very defined jawline, pink lips and perfect teeth. He has brown hair and it's in a man bun. His hands are huge and he is dressed very well in a black tuxedo, but not coat. This might be a little inappropriate but I can see his print through his pants and I don't even think his gigantic hands are big enough to hold it.

Gorgeous man: "Nice to meet you. I'm so glad you came" he held out his hand."So am I" I thought. I failed to mention this earlier but his voice is very deep and seductive. Imagine his brothers. I held my hand out to meet his. When we shook hands his hand basically swallowed mine. "Nice to meet you" I stopped for a moment as if I'm asking him his name without really asking him. He notices " Lorenzo" he says. 

Rose: "Lorenzo what a beautiful name".
Lorenzo: "Not as beautiful as yours". I blush, he smiles. "Um I'll let my brothers get your bags"
Rose: "No, I don't want to put them through any trouble."
Lorenzo: "No, no trouble at all", Archer, Arez come here please."
A few seconds later, two men come walking to the door. They were shirtless and soaked. These men are beautiful! They both have six packs so define and perfect it looks painted. And there is water dripping off their abs and their wavy hair. They both have the same skin tone as Lorenzo. Their eyes are also identical to Lorenzo's but their features are not. Their features are softer but still as equally attractive and they look unusually alike. They're twins! And a very attractive pear too I might add. I know I saw Lorenzo's print through his pants but these men are wearing fitted thin trunks. If that's not bad enough they are soaked so, well, you get the picture and let me just say they most certainly are twins no doubt about that. 

The first one with the peach color trunks holds out is hands saying " Nice to meet you I'm Archer and this is my twin brother Arez". "Sorry we are soaked, we were in the pool". After I'm done shaking his hand I shake Arez's hand and he says "I am obviously the more attractive bother." 

Archer: "Yeah right, I am" Archer gives him a friendly punch.
Arez: "You wish" Arez punches him back.
They had a bit of a tussle before Lorenzo stopped them saying "Okay settle boys". They laugh a bit and then stop.
"Sorry" they both say.
"It's fine". I replied.
Lorenzo: "Rose here has a few things that need to be carried inside. When you're done with that one of you can help her pick out her room.
"Got it" they both said at the same time. They took my bags out of the car.
"Let me park your car with ours". Lorenzo said.
Rose: "Oh sure, let me just grab my phone". 

I go on the driver's side to get the keys. I see my phone in the passenger seat. I stretched over to get it and the wind blew my dress up. I grabbed my phone and quickly stood up.
Rose: "Oh my gosh that's so embarrassing, I'm sorry"
Lorenzo:" Oh no it's okay I didn't see anything" he gets in the car and starts to reverse.
I'm an over thinker so questions like "what if he's just lying to be polite" or "what if he thinks I meant to do it" are flooding my mind. Hopefully he's not lying because I'm wearing a freaking thong. I walked inside and only then I realized how huge and luxurious this house, no sorry, mansion is. I think to myself this can't be real life. Sexy men,a giant house, awesome pay and an easy job, someone pinch me. Just then I feel something on my leg. I jump only to find the cutest puppy licking me. I kneel down, "hey buddy where did you come from"? While I pet the dog I hear a deep voice say "he's always escaping his cage". I get up and spin around quickly a bit startled. Before me stands a man probably an inch shorter than Lorenzo. His eyes are the same color as the others. He doesn't look exactly like them but you can see the resemblance.
Deep voiced man: " I scared you, I'm sorry. You must be Rose, I'm Deyvan" he holds out his hand.

Rose: "Nice to meet you Deyvan. You didn't scare me, I just didn't see you there."
Deyvan: "My bad, Pluto here seems to like you".
Rose: "The feeling is mutual. What a cute name"
Deyvan: "Yeah we call him that because when we found him he was kicked out like the the planet Pluto".
Rose: "Oh so sad, but good, that you guys helped him".
Deyvan: "Yah he's pretty cool. Do you want a house tour"?
Rose: "Yes I would love one this place is amazing"!
Deyvan: "Ok let's go"!

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