Chapter One: Before The Storm

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When we entered the keep, Ralof went to check on a fallen comrade on the opposite side of the room.

I began whipping the dust off my clothes, my right hand throbbed with a dull pain.

'Last time I punch an Imperial.' I thought to myself as my hand was covered in a soft glowing yellow light, magic is amazing.

Ralof brought me from my thoughts, "We'll meet again in Sovngarde, brother." He said kneeling down beside the dead soldier, "Looks like we're the only ones who made it. That thing was a dragon. No doubt. Just like the children's stories and the legends. The harbingers of the End Times. We better get moving. I'm going to see if I can find some way out of here."

I watched as Ralof pushed against the door, unaffectedly.

"This one's locked. Let's see about that gate." He pushed against the other, "Damn. No way to open this from our side."

My fingers gripped the cold metal of my lockpick, one of my own creations.


"Come on, soldier! Keep moving!" An Imperial Captain growled through the locked gate.

"It's the Imperials! Take cover!" Ralof cried crouching down next to the door on the right while I stood to the left not bothering to crouch.

"Get this gate open." The Imperial Captain said as I drew my bow slowly.

The captain walked through the door only to stop at my voice,"Why hello." I said as the captain whipped her head around to face me only to come face to face with my arrow.

She went down in the next moment with an arrow in between her eyes.

"Imperial dogs!" Ralof drew his axe to strike the captain's associate but was left with his hand left in the air watching the body of the imperial fall limply to the floor. Blood flowed from his head.

Ralof looked at me shocked as I pulled the two arrows from the dead bodies.

I looked at him and flicked the arrows causing the blood to hit him in the face causing him to blink and regain his mind. Ralof soon rushed over searching the bodies muttering something about which of them should have a key.

"Maybe one of these Imperials had the key. Let's see here..." He dug through the captain's pockets to pull out a key, "Here we found a key. Let's see if it opens that door."

The Nord ran for the door as I unhooked my cloak and shoved it into my wolf hide knapsack, "That's it! Come on, let's get out of here before the dragon brings the whole tower down on our heads."

He grinned turning to face me only to falter, "What is it?" I asked confused

"You have..." He began touching his forehead.

My hand lifted up and brought it back down, blood, fresh blood.

"I guess some debris cut me." I said wiping the blood with my sleeve.

Pushing past the shy Nord, I walked through the door making him follow behind me quickly. We walked down the stairs, only for the ceiling to cave in.

"Look out!" Ralof yelled pulling me back from the falling bricks, "Damn, that dragon doesn't give up easily."

I glared at the now blocked passage, 'Does he know it's me?'

Ralof grabbed my wrist and pulled me through a door where two Imperial's were rushing about.

"Grab everything important and let's move! The dragon is burning everything to the ground." One cried while the second stumbled after him.

"Just need to gather some more potions." The other answered before dropping to the ground with a loud thump dropping his previous healing potion. The other turned and started yelling out profanities.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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