Chapter 2

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Four years later

Dean groaned as the morning light ran through the curtains, shining brightly on his face. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the clock on his nightstand. He should have been already up so, although he wanted to stay in bed for a little bit longer, he got up without hesitating. He stretched and immediately made his way to the bathroom, blushing his teeth and having a quick, cold shower. The best way for him to wake up.

He got out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, another one in his hands rubbing his hair dry. He threw it on top of some chair and groggily made his way towards his wardrobe, picking up some clothes. He chose a suit and passing by the empty bed, he stood in front of the mirror wearing his suit jacket and then starting to put on his tie.

Many would have never expected for Dean to actually dress up for school, but he actually did. Not every day, but at least two to three times per week. Certainly surprising everyone when he did that for the first time. Crowley, the principal and sort-of friend, did not miss a beat to comment on it the first day of Dean working at the school. It was a really long time ago, years, but Dean could remember it clearly. He, Sam, Lisa, his parents and everybody else that actually knew him remembered it clearly.

He clearly remembers the look on his father's face. Hard as it may have been for him to believe it, John had an actually proud look on his face. Dean had not only managed to get in university and study psychology. Not only had he found a nice job near his house. But he also had managed to have a family of his own. Not exactly, but at least he had his own mate (sort of, since Lisa was actually a Beta) and he seemed happy and in love. That was enough for John, and that was enough for Mary. She was happy about her son although there were moments she could see that there was something missing. For Dean. There were moments that he seemed to have a longing in his eyes. A longing for a mate. Mary could clearly see it, but no matter how many times she asked him, he just brushed her off with a 'I'm ok mom, don't worry'. She could see it though. She could see the longing in her son's eyes. The same longing she had to meet her mate when she was younger than him and hadn't met John, yet.

Dean denied it, though. He still did. Even after meeting you. He did not want to believe it. He did not believe he actually had a mate because if he did, he knew that he couldn't. It was impossible for him to feel anything, whatsoever, for you. He could not do this to Lisa, or anyone else for that matter.

He let out a sigh, trying to dismiss any thoughts. He didn't want to think about you, and even after four years of firstly meeting you he had never managed to forget. He would never be able to forget those orbs that hunted him at nights- or more like made his dreams the best ones. They did not happen often lately, after all these years Dean expected to have actually forgotten you but he hadn't. He still found himself thinking of you, though, despite the fact that he had never seen you after that. It was just one time at the park and never after that. He knew after a while that you weren't from Mystic Falls, and the worst for him was when he found out that you actually did not live there. He confirmed that after the first week of meeting you, seeing as he was unable of thinking about anything else but you, he managed to put one and one together and realize that you did not live in Mystic Falls but were just there for vacation. Seeing as neither did he know you parents (everybody knew everyone in Mystic Falls) nor had he seen them before or after that day.

He groaned in frustration and undid his tie, after having done a horrible job at tying it in the beginning.

"Somebody having a rough morning?" Lisa's voice broke his trail of thoughts. Dean averted his eyes from his tie to look at her in the mirror.

"Totally" he said with a chuckled and she laughed slightly.

"You know, I could do something about that one" she winked at him, coming closer to him and putting her arms around his chest from behind; giving him a kiss on the neck.

Dean laughed at her, though it seemed forced (it was for him) and slightly shook his head "Nah, baby, I really need to get ready and go to school." he said and started fixing his tie.

She fake pouted and pulled away from him "Crowley wants you to go earlier than usual, once again?" she asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, that dick is seriously pulling my leg. I swear he does that on purpose!" Dean shook his head.

"Well, you could always quit" she suggested, tidying the bed.

Dean let out a sigh, and rolled his eyes; without her noticing "You know how hard I tried for all of this, Lisa. I can't just simply give up" he said, almost a little bit more harshly than he intended to.

But it was true. Dean had gone through a lot to manage what he wanted to. And he was not going to regret his choice either, there was no way that he was. He had fought so hard to persuade his father to let him follow this career instead of the family business. Sam had done the same, choosing to become a lawyer instead of getting into the family business, but he had not really asked him either. Sam had just announced it, that he got accepted to Stanford, and that he would be leaving soon. That did not leave much choice for their father, who simply accepted it. The fact that he decided to drop out of law school is an entirely different story. And a story that none of them wanted t think of. Especially Sam. 

He had met his mate there, his Omega (seeing as Sam was an Alpha too), her name was Jessica and he loved her a lot. Hell, he even planned to ask her to marry him. But of course, he was a Winchester so luck was not with him. Luck (concerning love life) was never on the Winchesters' side. Jess was killed in a fire accident and Sam could not bear being there anymore, or studying law anymore. Instead he decided trying to apply for medicine and, of course (it's Sam, smarty Sammy we're talking here about) managed to get to study it and become a doctor. He now worked at Mystic Falls' local Hospital.

Dean on the other hand, had firstly expressed his thoughts to his father. What he thought of becoming when he got older, what kind of job he would like to do. He wanted to have his approval firstly. Of course a big argument followed when he said that studying psychology was what he actually wanted to do and not get into the family business. Basically, more than one arguments followed, but in the end (mostly thanks to Mary) John actually agreed. Not only that, but he also got to have a talk with Dean. A talk that they both needed to do. Father and son. Man to man. Saying things that they wouldn't have really said if the circumstances were different, especially considering that neither John nor Dean were the kind of men to share their feelings and thoughts openly.

Lisa stopped what she was doing and let out a sigh; looking down at her feet "I'm sorry" she mumbled and Dean instantly felt bad.

"No, baby, I'm sorry" he said, making his way to her and hugging her from behind "I didn't mean it that way" he murmured, kissing the top of her head.

"It's ok Dean" she said with a small smile, turning to wrap her arms around him too "I just care about you and want you to be alright" she said.

"I'm going to be alright, baby, don't worry" Dean said with a smile, a real one.

She smiled to and leaned up to kiss him, Dean soon responding. They both pulled away with smiles on their faces, Lisa's brighter than Dean's.

"How about we got eat that amazing breakfast of yours that has my mouth water since the moment I woke up" Dean asked with a wink and she laughed.

"Isn't Crowley going to be pissed if you're late?" she asked with a playfully raised eyebrow.

"Screw Crowley, bacon can never wait!" Dean said with a grin and she laughed.

"What are we waiting for, then? Come on, tiger" she laughed more and made her way downstairs.

Dean stayed behind for a while, his smile flattering for a split second as if it was never there, but he shook his head, putting another smile back on, and dismissed any thoughts. Any thoughts of you.


Dean let out a sigh of relief as his final hour was over. It was not the last period but it was his last teaching hour for the day and he could not be more grateful about that. He liked his job, he really did, but hormonal teenagers (especially those cocky Alphas of the football team) had started to really get on his nerves. It was seriously getting hard to set some rules between them. Only thing he could do was feel sympathy for any Omega that was found in their way. As long as it was up to him, though, he was not going to let those jerks ruin his classes.

Letting out another sigh, Dean got up from his chair and out of the classroom, making his way towards Lisa's. She was a teacher at the school, too, but she taught Fine Arts to students. That was one thing he had to give credit for to Crowley. Once he had taken the position of principal he had made some drastic changes to the school, making sure to add classes for all interests; attracting students from many places too.

He walked into Lisa's class to see students still getting in, taking their seats in front of their canvas. Lisa was sitting on her desk checking some papers.

"Hey" Dean said and she looked up at him, a smile forming on her lips.

"Hey there" she said with a smirk "Your classes are over for today?" she asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, finally won't have to deal with those damn assholes anymore" he said referring to the football team.

"For today. There is a whole year before they actually leave school" she said and Dean groaned.

"You don't need to remind me that I have to put up with with those assholes for a whole other year" Dean groaned and Lisa giggled.

"Sorry" she said with a smile "Hey, can I ask you a favor?" she asked and Dean nodded.

"Katie is not here today, she's sick. Won't be able to come for the whole week but I need someone to help me keep an eye on the students while they are painting. You think you can do that for me?" she asked him with a small smile.

"Yeah, sure. Will help me take my mind off those damn kids" Dean said, taking the list with the names of the students in his hands.

"Ok then" she smiled "Everybody must be here so you can start calling out the names till I check some papers. You won't have to tell them anything else, they know what they have to do for today." she said and went back to writing on the papers.

Dean nodded at her, his eyes skimming through the list and after a while started calling out the names of all the students. Everybody was there, raising their hands and saying 'Here'. Till of course he reached the last name.

"(Y/l/n)" he said. No response.

"(Y/l/n)?" he asked, still no response.

"(Y/f/n) (Y/l/n)?" he asked again, looking around the room.

When he got no response he turned to Lisa and opened his mouth to speak and tell her there was one student absent till-

"Oh my God, I'm so terribly sorry" said a voice.

A voice that, just like so many years ago, sent Dean's heart into a rapidly beating feat was heard. Dean's eyes widened, he felt his heart hammer in his chest, his hands started shaking, his whole body tensed and his breath hitched in his throat.

"I'm really sorry, for being late. Mr. Saltzman wanted to talk to me about my project and it took a little bit time" you said breathless from the running, holding your things closely to your chest.

Lisa laughed slightly "It's ok (Y/n), don't worry. Just take a seat so that we can get started." she smiled and you nodded with a small smile of your own.

You took your usual seat and placed your things beside you. You started assorting them when you felt to eyes on you. You frowned at the thought but then slowly decided to look up. Only for your (Y/e/c) eyes to lock with intense green ones, staring back at you with the same gaze. A gaze that you were sure you had seen before.

Dean stared back at you with the same look. The same one as all those years ago. This time it was only filled with more disbelief and awe. How could he not feel awe, though?

After so many years he finally got to see you again. After all these time. He got to see you. And you see him. It seemed impossible but...

Here you were. Gazing back at him. You gazing at him.

His mate. His one and only. His Omega.

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