Chapter 20- He definately is not afraid to show it

Start from the beginning

"You guys ready?" Zayn asked. Everyone said yes and the doctor chose then to walkinto the room.

"You all ready?" He asked. We all laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Zayn just asked us the same question Sir. It was just funny that you asked right after he did." I politely answered him.

"Oh well. Shall we do Mr. Horan first like always?"

"Yes Sir." Niall answered as he layed down on the bed. The doctor started probing his protruding stomach.

"Well nothing has changed. Your baby is still growing just fine. Strong heartbeat. Average length and weight. Very good Mr. Horan." The doctor complimented.

"Still a girl?" Harry asked.

The doctor started laughing. "Yes Mr. Styles. Still a girl."

"Good." everyone smiled. The doctor cleaned Niall's stomach from the gel, and pulled him to a sitting position.

"Well Mr. Tomlinson. Are you ready to find out what all your babies are?"

"Yes!" Louis answered quickly. I got up and helped Niall down from the table pulling him backwards with me to sit on my lap. Harry helped Louis up.

"Well it seems you listened to me and gained some weight this past month."

"Yes. Thirteen pounds. Harry made me eat soooooo much." Louis groaned. Everyone laughed at his fake misery.

"That's great. Getting more nutrients to your baby. Now you should only be about a little less than ten pounds heavier than you are. Very good Louis."

"Thanks, but it really was all the boys."

"Okay. Now lets find out what your all having again. Lay back on the bed please."

Louis lays down and the doctor pours a little gel on his overly large stomach. He might be a month behing Niall, but he has two more babies than Niall does. He's a good 4 inches bigger than Niall. The doctor moves around the probe and stops when we all see a baby shape on the screen. He moves it just a little down so we can see between the legs and nothing is there.

"See that? That means this one is also a girl. So you have at least two girls now. Lets get to the next." He moves the screen over on Louis stomach and finds the next baby. He moves it down to between the legs and there's something there this time.

"That is a boy right there. One more."

He moves the screen to the far side of Louis belly and looks for our third baby. He finds the baby and hmms in approval. He moves the probe down again and this babies legs are just wide open.

"If that aint a mini Haz I don't know what is." I said through giggles.

"Maybe more than you think. This baby is also a little boy. And he definately is not afraid to show it."

"Neither is Harry. That is so his kid." Louis agrees.

"So boys. It looks like you have two of each baby."

"YES!!!!" Zayn screams out really loud. Everyone looks at him in shock then starts busting out laughing.

"You okay Zayn?" I ask him through my laughter.

"Yea. I was just really hoping we would have two girls. Now we have two boys to take care of their sisters and two girls to help each other out. And one gender is not gonna be mean to the other because they're evenly matched."

"Except for the fact that they have five dads and no moms." Niall reminds him.

"I'm just talking about babies. We're not going to pick one gender over the other, so everything is fine and nothing is going to make this bad. Everything is perfect!" Zayn said happily.

"Yes it is Zaynie." Niall agrees from my lap with a big smile.

"Now we can go get the other two bed sets and car seats. And we can start getting clothes!" Louis says excitedly sitting up in the doctor bed.

"We might need a bigger car." I quietly said.

"We'll have to get a cheap one" Harry put in.

"What kind of bigger car?" The Doctor said.

"Well there's going to be nine of us, so really were goin to need a van." I told him.

"My neighbor is selling a nice van. It's not even all that expensive either. I have your number from your records and I'll give you a call about it later on. I might even be able to get him to sell it a little cheaper if I let him know about your situation."

"That would be amazing Dr. Carter. Thank you so much."

"No problem boys. I know you weren't expecting to be having four babies at one time."

"Definately not....but I wouldn't change it for the world." Harry says pulling Louis down from the bed.


Hope it was ok. Lets hope I can get a comment from this chapter!!  PLEASE!!!!  Next one will prolly be up tomorrow since I'm off tomorrow too!


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