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"Esme wake up it's Astrid, "Marlene said shaking me to wake up while I just groaned and cuddled into my blanket "please she said something about Leo and then started packing and screamed about a plane ticket ran to her computer," she said pouting and sitting on my bed.

"ughhh of course, okay can you make breakfast? I know what it's about I just need to talk to her but think about what to wear in California for when I can't say no  " I said swinging my legs over my bed. Stupid Leo Cruz obsession.

"hi Esme so um" she started but before she could continue.

"I know the Leo Cruz thing don't you think this is overboard I love you and respect your decision if you go but are 100% positive you want to?" I said worried for my sister she left California on good terms with Leo and they agreed to a long distance but then they drifted. It broke her heart and as much of a pain as she is I don't want her to get her hopes up just to get hurt again by Leo Cruz she doesn't deserve it. She never did.

"yes of course why wouldn't I ?" she said with her cute accent and those big brown eyes. She looked innocent and happy with hope, how could I say no? But there is no way I'm letting her go alone.

"ugh fine but Marlene and Andrew are coming"I saw her about to say something "no buts you think I'm letting my 17-year-old sister fly to California alone? No, plus I can see the twins and Reggie " I stated already leaving "Marlene get ready we're going to Cali oh Astrid don't worry about the tickets I'll call dad" I semi yelled running to my room okay you see I come from a rich family but I started selling stuff I didn't want or need most was really expensive so they sold for a lot and odd jobs so I bought a house with my best friend and sister and 2 guest rooms in London about a year and a half ago but I have friends in California but anyway right if there is something I want that's expensive but don't think it's necessary I call my parents and they're okay with that as long as it is not to outrages.

"Okay great let me just finish breakfast "Marlene called over the music she put on.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute "

I called my dad"hey dad can you get me four tickets at 10:00 am from the UK to California " "Sure honey but how is Astrid ?" "um she's okay we're going for Leo Cruz but I think she needs the closer and she'll have me, Marlene, Andrew plus herself at the end of the day she's strong" "okay just keep an eye on her as much I hate it your 19 you're the adult and you need to look after her " "no pressure tho I'm kidding, but your right I'll look after her I love you but I gotta go before the food gets cold" "okay bye I love you have a fun trip and call your mother she misses you tons " "bye dad" "bye daughter" and with that, I hung up.

"Now Andrew "

"Heyyyyy so question if I asked you to go to California with me, Marlene and Astrid what would you say" "I'd say okay only for Astrid's sake, I remember last time she saw Leo and if she goes to California she's bound to go to Leo and I won't let her be with just you and Marlene " "were not that bad but thank you" "no problem I'll be there soon" okay great.

Tickets? Check

Andrew? Check

Luggage? Check

Astrids okay? Check

Hygiene? After food.

And with that, I ran downstairs


"Flight day get up or stay home " I yelled while ordering breakfast okay so vegetarian Andrew oreo milkshake Salad and brownies. Great now for Astrid cookies Acai bowl and water. Marlene, Philly cheese steak with a large dr. pepper and a slice of cheesecake for later. My turn was a crispy chicken sandwich with cheese fries a strawberry smoothie and a Chocolate bar too "and you won't get your food"


Marlene and Astrid land at my feet with sheepish smiles while Andrew walks down gracefully looks at them rolls his eyes and steps over them and loops his arms with mine.

"ready?" " Ready" 

"Wait up" Astrid and Marlene yell running after us while we get in the car panting.

"Let's go," I said we drove to pick up the food and then to the airport once there someone came up to us and we went thru costumes and than to first class.

California here we come.


Hello she's/he's/they thank you for reading my first story don't know when i'll post but it'll b in the next week have a good day or night                 ~Lee

 850 words

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