The dark depths

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My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold

Cold wind flew by as your song rang throughout the deep waters. You were hoping for prey this evening.

Not many sailors come here anymore, as rumors spread about the dangers potentially lurking in these particular parts.

While up aloft in storm, from me his absence mourn
And firmly pray, arrive the day, he's never more to roam

You sang out. Hoping to see a face, so deep in hypnosis they wouldn't know they had jumped into the cold waters to their death.

Your hunger was driving you wild. Anger and torment were flashing in your eyes. You knew as sirens, you could go longer without food than humans, but the need for flesh was tearing you apart.

Let's try again shall we.

Hear my voice beneath the sea,
Sleeping now so peacefully. Listen to this Siren song, worry not for nothing's wrong.

Hear my voice beneath the sea,
Sleeping now so peacefully.
At the bottom of the sea.
Sleep for all eternity.

Your sharp ears picked up what seemed to be a splash.
Finally a victim. Finally I won't starve anymore.

You sigh slightly and look for the body. You can see a wooden boat in the distance. Seemed to be for one person.

You move from where you were sitting and swim near the boat. However you can't seem to find a body. Until..

You see it. The body of a beautiful, tall woman reappears. You don't know what washed over you, but you wrapped your wet arms around her and swam with her body against yours to where you were sitting. It was a small patch of land, quite perfect for these endeavors. You drag her over the grass and lay her on her back. You have never saved a person before, usually you are the one that kills them, so this is quite new.

'Well she drowned because of the need for oxygen, so I should just.. '

You thought and leaned down to give her mouth to mouth. You have never really touched someone like this before, your life as a Siren proved to be quite boring, it was always just you and your songs, lurking victims and seeing their demise. You often thought about the outside world. What life is like outside the water.

After some time of giving mouth to mouth and not seeing a change you decide to put your fishy ear on her chest. A faint heartbeat echoed through your ears. Relief washed over you, but the job still wasn't done. She wasn't awake so you had to do more. You gave her mouth to mouth again with even more effort than last time, putting all you have.

You pull away and hear a faint whimper and a cough. Oh relieved you were to see her alive. You sit down comfortably and lay your tail against the ground. You rest her head on your lap and glide your fingers through her wet hair. It was only now that you could take in her beauty and examine her.

She was wearing a cream colourd dress with a beautiful neck line that showed her cleavage, as well as three, quite tattered black roses, were pinned near her chest. Her makeup had smuged slightly, but it still made her look elegant. Her sheer height is what surprised you at first. No human is that tall. Luckily the water makes you float so swimming with her wasn't so hard.

And looking at the beauty that layed below you, you drifted off to rest as well.


You woke up to coughing and gagging. Your eyes shot awake and you looked down. The beautiful lady was turning and shaking slightly. You reach out and shake her shoulder. Her eyes shot open and she looked at you. With a gasp she backed away and in the process almost fell back in the water.

-Who are you?! Why am I here!? Tell me now!! - she screamed.
- My name is Y/N, miss. You almost drowned last night. Please do keep calm, I won't hurt you.
- What do you mean "almost drowned" ?! - she questioned.
- Well, if I tell you please don't freak out. - you sighed.
Her golden orbs scanned over you and she saw the tail and her eyes went wide.
- As you can see I'm a Siren.
- W-wait, if you are a Siren I'm supposed to be dead. I've heard of your kind.
- Yes, you were supposed to be dead, but I don't know what came over me, I don't know you, but my heart wouldn't let you die.
- Right... I mean thank you for saving me.. how do I get back home?
- I'll go bring back your boat, it shouldn't have drifted too far.

She nodded and you jumped into the water. You knew she wasn't human and while you saved her, that won't earn her trust fully. You didn't mind though.

You saw the boat not far from the island. Quickly you swung your tail and sped up to the boat. You wrapped your fingers around it and pulled it back to the island.

-Here is your boat miss...?
- Dimitrescu. Call me Lady Dimitrescu.
- Right, step in Lady Dimitrescu, I will go under the boat and pull it to shore.

She did as you told her. You were strong, but the boat and her tall figure were a little much for you, but you had to push on. You can't give up now.

You saw the shore in the distance and as the morning fog parted you got closer and closer to it.

Parking the boat you went from under the boat and watched as the Lady stepped out.

- Is there anything else I can do for you, Lady Dimitrescu?
- No, thank you however.
- Not a problem, have a good day.

She nodded and walked away, her tall figure disappearing in the fog.

Wait you were still starving.


Okayyy, I really hope y'all enjoyed that. There will be more...

I'm thinking angst bois

ALSO THE FIRST TWO VERSES ARE OF A SONG "My Jolly Sailor Bold" by Ashley Serena.
THE OTHER TWO ARE FROM SOME SORT OF SITE. I lowkey just found some sort of lyrics and copied them, so I don't take credit

Anyways have a good day!


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