you're not my god

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Your POV
(Name) fell, her face hitting the cold, smooth floor, "Ooooo!? Damn...what the fuck was that....'" Her eyes widened and her vision cleared, and she realized that she was in an orange and yellow hallway. The hall was suspiciously normal... "What am I doing here... what is this place... is it possible that I am, oh my god, I died, I fell from the stairs and died sure..."She sat up well and felt her clothes still wearing her clothes "I don't wear any white clothes... then I'm not in heaven.. well good..." She got up and got a little headache "Oh my head..." Then she heard a mess of a bend The hallway followed the voice with cautious steps, "What... huh...Wow!!" She gasped and stopped when she saw An amazing sight, her eyes widened to the amount of details of this city... She has always studied and read books about civilizations, the beauty of its construction and the growth of its civilization, but what she saw now goes beyond the limits of description, despite the exceptional and very impressive view, but she felt terrified, "Where am I.!!" She whispers to herself breathing intermittently "TVA" a voice of man said behind here caused here to jump and hitch a breathe " huh " and she turns around to see around 50 year man with gray hair and mostach look like from the 90's she said in fear voice cracking voice " what .." He said " TVA miss ( name) " In a confused tone, she said, "What!! Wait what, how do you know my name, sir, who are you, what is this place and what is TvA .. Why are you talking like this and where am I?"The man smiled and said in a calm tone, "I know your name, because this is my job. I'm Mobius and TVA is.. this place." She still looks at it anxiously. "Am I on another planet?" He held back a small laugh and said, "I'm afraid you're in a whole different time dimension." (Name Her eyebrows rose and she said, " another.ddimension" He nodded, then (name) burst out laughing, "Haha, sure I hit my head hard hahahaha, "blinking " another dementoin.....This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever dreamed of, ah." Möbius smiled and said, "(Name) you are not dreaming.. all this you see is real." She stopped laughing and said, "Oh, really, so what time is it?!" In (name's) brain, if she wants to know whether she was in a dream or not, she just has to ask about the time. At least that's what she knows about strange dreams. "For you, it's 12:55 in the afternoon," said Möbius. She was shocked and said to herself, "I am I'm not no" She looked at him and said "Did you say it's 12:55" He said "I did"...She said in a worried tone "I have class in 5 minutes I have to come back..and Peter Peter will worry a lot." With hurried steps she walked towards Möbius and said, "Listen, whoever you are... Take me back, I have class now." He said softly, "I'm afraid I can't." "What!! In a sharp tone, he said, "Listen, (name) everything in TVA is subject to a law." "Every event happens for a reason." (Name) fixed her eyes and said, "What is this supposed to mean to me!!?"He tilted his head and said, "That means you are here for a reason, (name)." She folded her arms and said, "So that is!!?" He said, "That's all you have to know now. Come with me...." She said in astonishment, "Where to?!" she said, raising her eyebrows. . . . He said: "To your new place of work." She said disapprovingly, "Work... Wow, wow... Umm, what work do you mean..." He turned around and said, "Follow me.." "Do you mean that I will not go back to the distance from which I came... What about my family, mom and dad and my friends again Will I stay here forever Are you going to kill me if I try to return..." With fear and panic Möbius smiled and said, "(Name) I am I don't know the future," she said silly, "I thought you said you were genies of time," he said seriously, "agents of time." "It seems the same to me," she muttered."Come on, you don't want to be late for your first day..." (name) followed him, unsure, trying to process the information, how did this happen, how did she get here, sure, that damn machine huff... now what... and she's swimming. In her thoughts, Möbius pulled her, "Hey, what's the matter?" She looked at him really, "Are you kidding me... what's wrong, I don't know, maybe the fact that I was in a university an hour ago and now I'm in... in... a time... authority.. I don't know what frightens me... and you know Something I still think I'm in a coma from the fall that's it""You know, you're lucky," she said sarcastically, "Yeah, very much." He stared at her, "Seriously..Most of the TVA coming people end up, let's say, uncomfortable." She paused and said. "You mean dead." He turned and said, "Come on." He pushed her gently and walked with her and heard her mutter, "My God, Mom, she will be so sad." Mobius took a deep breath, then said, stopping at a strange door, "Okay (name) change your clothes to our uniform, you will find them here. .. is that clear !" "Wait, do you have an official bay? Like a bunch of eccentrics," she said, provocatively and with a side smile"Have you just described the policemen, the firefighters, and the doctors who, "he raised his finger to identify the word" (in uniform) as eccentrics," she said without any hesitation, "yes, I just did that." She smiled and walked in...He said. In a tired tone, he muttered, "Oh, this is going to be harder then I thoughts"

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