Chapter 4: Nina Flume

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There was a soft knock on her door. "Come in!" she shouted, putting the picture frame down again. Neville opened the door and poked his head around. "Hi, Neville." She smiled. "Tea? Coffee? Fizzy Orange Juice?

"Tea is fine, thanks." He sat down on the sofa and rubbed his hands together. It was a cold day but Cassie was rarely cold anymore. It was one of the perks of being a werewolf, though sometimes she was too hot.

"Are you cold? Is it cold here? I rarely notice," she said, summoning two teacups and a teapot.

"It's a little chilly, but it's alright," he said politely. She levitated the cups and placed them on the small coffee table.

"I can turn on the fireplace, no problem." She flicked her wand and flames appeared. He smiled a little and nodded, sitting back and relaxing. He had been in her office a few times now and she had been in his. It was the same size but Neville had many more plants whereas Cassie had more books and candles. She sat down in the chair and crossed her legs under her but quickly straightened them again, her knee hurting.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. He must have seen her flinch at the sharp pain. She nodded and shrugged it off.

"Yeah, is nothing," she mumbled. "What did you want to talk about?" She grabbed her cup of tea and wrapped her hands around it.

"I just wanted to ask you a few questions about this whole teaching thing," he sighed. "It's been nice and fun and the students seem to enjoy it but at the same time, they seem so bored as if they're not even paying attention, not really anyway. How do I connect with them?"

She sat up a little straighter and thought for a moment. "Okay well, regarding them not paying attention, there's always going to be a few students who won't pay attention, that's just how it is sadly. But what did you always find the most fun to do? What were your favourite type of classes? Maybe integrate more from that into your classes?"

"You see, I hated Slughorn's way of teaching potions. Snape wasn't a great Professor either. So, I do it differently and I adapt to my students' feedback. I'm not as grumpy and prejudiced as Snape, not as unorganized as Slughorn, nor do I perform favouritism as he did. I liked a mixture between practical stuff and readings and assignments, so that's what I do,"

"After the first semester last year, I had my students fill in a feedback form to see how I could improve. I try to adapt to their needs, I'm teaching them after all. Of course, I have to stick to the curriculum and I can't just not give them essays and exams but still, if something bothers them, I give them a chance to tell me. Everyone learns differently." 

"So you ask them what they like and don't like?" he asked her, thinking for a moment. She nodded.

"Basically. It's anonymous too so they're more comfortable. I just think that it's important to acknowledge their needs. I know several students hated potions, solely because Snape taught them. I want them to love it as much as I do, so I have to make sure we're on the right path."

"Right! Right, but how does that make me connect to them?" he asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"Well, it gives them the idea that you're listening to them and that you care about them, which you do. Obviously. And it can make them think that you're offering them a safe space, which you are. Obviously," she explained. "I had a few students approach me last year after the second feedback session, thanking me for giving them a chance to express their needs safely. They will feel heard, making them feel connected, making you feel connected."

"Really? No wonder everyone seems to love you so much," he smiled. She chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.

"I just do what I can to assure everyone has a good time here. I think we've had enough bad stuff for forever. Besides, we're their caretakers while they are here basically, it's better that they feel safe I'd say. Everyone deserves a good time here. I do what I can to assure that." He nodded.

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