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You did nothing wrong and yet somehow you and your entire family were sentenced to death.

    So what if you wanted to fuck the prince of Marenum? So what if you sold a little information that may have caused a tiny war to break out? So what?

    And now you were being executed just because you liked a dude. Great. Just great.

    Your execution was to be done at dawn tomorrow. Publicly. In front of everybody. The nobles are so dramatic, always trying to make a point or humiliate someone. But you wouldn't let that happen to you, oh no. You planned to go onto that stage and march right up to the executioner and do it yourself to outdramaticize the nobles.

    You sighed on your bed, determined to kill yourself in that manner. Your family would be fine, they were cute little back stabbing snakes anyway. They would probably just accuse you of everything anyways.

    Faintly, you could hear the metal clacking of boots pacing back and forth in the hallway. They had stationed two guards in the hall, two under your window, and several patrolling the grounds. The pacing stopped suddenly and you could hear the murmurs of an argument.

    You could only hear a bit till your door slammed open and several people ran in. You lifted your head up a few degrees, "Nero! My baby boy! You've finally come to visit your traitorous older sister!!"

    Your younger brother pouted and started walking towards you when he was stopped by the two guards. He tried shaking them off, but to no avail. They held his arm firmly.

    "Nero, you are not allowed to leave your room," The guard said sternly. "Return."

    Your brother scowled, "Don't call me that you filthy peasant. Now fuck off, I'm talking to my dearest sister."

    The guard shook his head, "Return," He repeated.

    "Fuck off. Did you not hear any of what I just said?"


    Nero sighed, rolling his eyes, "All right old men, just give me five minutes with my sister. You guys can stay in the room weirdos."

    "Just get your fucking hands off me," He continued, shaking the guards off. The two guards obeyed and walked a few steps back, away, but closely observing the pair of siblings.

    "What?" You asked.

    Nero ran towards your bed and kneeled beside you, and grabbed your hand. He quickly glanced back before whispering, "Sister, take this. You'll know what to do." He pressed a small object into your hand and nodded before sliding it up your sleeve—hiding it.

You could feel the sting of cool metal against your skin, a small prick similar to a needle pressed into your skin. A dagger. You felt several bumps digging into your skin, "Was this an ornamental dagger?" you whispered back.

Your brother nodded, "Father's."

Your eyes widened, "A-Are you kidding me right now?"

Nero avoided your gaze. You sighed, out of your peripherally noticed the guards walking towards the two of you, "Oh Nero! I'll miss you too my baby brother!" you exclaimed as you pulled your brother into a hug.

"(Y/N), don't say that! You'll be fine!" Nero exclaimed, following you. The two guards pulled him away and shoved him out of your room.

"(Y/N)!!" he yelled dramatically.

Once everybody left your room, you pulled the dagger from your sleeve. It's hilt was made of mixed magnesium and decorated ornately of sapphires—the jewel of the Dukedom of (L/N), and had a jewel embedded into the hilt of the shape of a snapdragon flower. The blade was made of a silver and roughly the length of your forearm.

    "Oh!" You quietly exclaimed glancing closer at the blade. A few words were inscribed, "D...diaboli? Is that what it says?" you muttered to yourself, trying to make sense of the inscription.

   "e-et, god what does this say?" You sighed, squinting closer.

   "amicus?" Latin. It was something in Latin. You quickly glanced around your room searching for those language books you've never read. You threw open the doors of your closet rummaging around searching.

    "What are you looking for?" A voice asked beside you, making you flinch. You quickly turned around, while simultaneously slipping the dagger back into your sleeve.

    "Oh! Your majesty!" You screamed, feigning shock. You dropped to your knees and bowed your head to him. He was crouched into the floor beside you.

    "Get up. I asked what you were doing."

    "Why prince! I was picking out the perfect dress to be killed in of course!" You said sweetly, getting up.

    He scowled, "Shut up. I know you were scheming something." He grabbed your chin and pulled you closer to his face. "Tell me
(Y/N) what you were doing."

    You simpered, lowering your eyes, "Why? Are you jealous that is kissed the prince of Marenum before you?" You asked with a venomous edge.

    "Tch." He glanced away, "Why would I be jealous of you acting like a wh—" You slapped him before he could continue.

    "(Y/N), are you crazy?" He hissed darkly at you.

    "Maybe," You coyly replied. "but... you better watch it." You said, grabbing a strand of his wine coloured hair. You curled it around your finger and looked up at the prince.


You dropped the strand and quickly freed yourself from his now weakening grasp before pressing a finger to his lips. "Shhhhh Diluc darling," You gently grazed your finger over the smooth skin of his cheek. "Don't worry about your bro—oops!" You laughed, "the prince of Marenum, I have him in the palm of my hand."

"Just like how we" You asked with a light laughter. You slowly got closer to the red-head and lifted your arm. He watched you closely at your every action and that was exactly what you wanted. You traced your finger from one side of his shoulder to the other, getting closer to his body. As your other hand slowly grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to you. Your lips were almost touching the other.

The fragrance of pine wood and red wine wafted from his body. You took a deep breath and looked straight into his eyes. "Diluc...don't tell me you forgot?" You asked with a small, lilting smile.

"(Y/N), I think you were the one who forgot."

"Oh? Entertain me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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