He then says something to Mary Jane and they walk away from the edge of the balcony.

Peter, are you al-

Y/n gets cut off by sensing an approaching danger.

She notices Peter sense it too.

They look at each other.

Did you...


They start looking around before both sensing it again.

Uh oh. This must be bad if we've sensed danger twice.

Peter doesn't respond. He just keeps looking around.

Suddenly, something flying through the air appears.

The people in the crowd begin looking at it and making comments about it.

It flies over the crowd and people begin cheering and clapping.

Peter and y/n; however, are just staring at it, wearily.

The object flies away and then comes back.

It lets out a maniacal laugh and throws a bomb at the building Mary Jane and Harry are standing on.

The bomb explodes at contact with the building and people begin screaming and gasping as the balcony starts giving way.

Another bomb is thrown at the building while people in the crowd on the ground begin running around chaotically as Peter and y/n remain standing where they are, looking at the balcony.

Y/n turns her attention towards Peter as he just keeps staring at the exploded balcony.

Peter, we have to do something!

Peter looks at y/n.

He then nods his head.


Suddenly, pieces of the structure of the exploded balcony fall off and start falling towards two people.

Peter shoots webs out of both of his wrists and pulls the two people away just as the pieces of concrete fall on the ground.

Peter looks at y/n.

She stares back at him.

He nods his head.

She nods back.

They both start running away and taking off their clothes to expose their superhero costumes underneath them.

They run into an alleyway and take off their clothes completely, so now they are fully transformed into Spider-Man and Lizard-Girl.

They both put on their masks.

Y/n walks over to Peter and puts her arms around his neck as he begins swinging back towards the festival.

Peter swings around a building and is fastly approaching the creature on the glider.

Y/n jumps onto the collapsing balcony as Peter hits the creature off of the glider.

Peter lands on the wall while the creature falls onto a tent below.

The glider goes through a float and the float begins deflating rapidly.

It begins falling towards the sea of people below.

They start running away while a kid just stands there watching it.

Come on. Move, kid.

The Spider-Man Chronicles (Part 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt