Get out there, moron.

Peter gets pushed by the man talking to him.

He begins walking forward as the crowd keeps booing.

Bone Saw will eat you up and spit you out, little man.

I hope you brought your mommy with you.

We'll break you!

You'll need someone to cry to.

I'm gonna rip all eight of your feeble legs off one by one.

While these ladies are saying this to Peter, food is being thrown at him, the crowd is still booing, and he's still walking forward.

Oh, my God! Oh, my legs! Oh, God. I can't feel my legs. 

The crowd then begins chanting the word kill as Peter steps into the match with Bone Saw.

Y/n is still in the stands, watching.

Oh Peter.

Suddenly, metal walls on the ceiling of the arena begin coming down to form a cage around the match.

The crowd begins chanting the word cage.

Peter looks at the cage with a worried look, and so does y/n.


Hello? Guys?

The match is now completely surrounded by the cage.

Will the guards please lock the cage doors at this time?

The guards put two locks around two chains on the cage and close them.

Hey listen! This is some kind of mistake. I didn't sign up for a cage match!

Peter has his back turned from Bone Saw, and is facing the guards.

Hey! Hey, you can't do that! Take the chain off!

Unlock the thing! Take the chain off!

Hey, freak show!

Peter turns around to face Bone Saw.

You're going nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of playtime.

The clock starts and Bone Saw starts running towards Peter while Peter stands there. 

He's going to get himself killed.

Peter leaps up and Bone Saw hits the cage.

Bone Saw falls on the ground, but gets up quickly while Peter is sitting on the wall of the cage.

What are you doing up there?

Staying away from you. That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?

Bone Saw jumps, trying to reach Peter as Peter jumps off the wall of the cage and does a backflip.

Peter lands on the ground in a spider-fighting stance, facing Bone Saw.

Bone Saw runs at Peter again, but Peter shoots webs out of his wrists and swings on them, doing a backflip in the process.

Lady #4 hands Bone Saw a chair.

Finish him off!

Bone Saw comes at Peter with the chair.

Oh no. Peter, look out!

Peter turns around to face Bone Saw, but is too late, and gets hit with the chair, making him fall on the ground.

Bone Saw hits Peter with the chair two more times.

Smash him!

Bone Saw hits him with the chair again and then throws it to the side.

Come on Peter, get up!

Bone Saw picks up Peter by his left leg and hits him against the cage wall.

Hit him!


Bone Saw hits Peter against a different cage wall, and Peter falls to the ground.

Lady #2 hands Bone Saw a crowbar.

Kick his spider ass!

Bone Saw runs at Peter with the crowbar as Peter stares at him from the ground with a panicked expression.

Oh my God, Peter, do something!

Hit him!

Peter then starts hitting Bone Saw in the face with his right foot repeatedly.

Bone Saw tries to run at Peter again, but Peter takes both of his legs and raises Bone Saw into the cage wall behind him.

Bone Saw hits the wall and falls to the ground, unmoving.

Music starts playing and the crowd cheers.

Y/n starts screaming and cheering loudly.

The referee is standing over Bone Saw.

One, two, three! That's it! That's it! Winner!

The referee comes over to Peter and raises his right arm.

Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the new champion, Spider-Man!

The guards unlock the locks to the cage and the cage begins moving back to the ceiling.

Peter is still standing in the center of the match, in wonder.

People begin chanting Spider-Man, including y/n, as Peter raises his other arm, triumphantly.

Peter begins looking around and notices y/n in the stands.

She's still cheering as he steps out of the match.

He walks over to her and she runs up and hugs him.

He hugs her back and she begins laughing in amazement.

Oh my God, Peter, that was amazing! You really are the amazing Spider-Man.

I actually chose the Human Spider as my name, but I kinda like this name better.

Especially when people are chanting it, right?

Yeah, that also helps.

They both laugh.

I underestimated you, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to see you get hurt. I thought you were going to too until you pulled off that finale.

Peter chuckles.

No, it's okay. I was a little overconfident. It wasn't until they started putting the cage down, that I started thinking that maybe I had made a mistake.

Yeah, that was scary. I don't know if I could do what you did in there. You're very brave, Peter.

Hey hotshot! You got $3000 waiting in the backroom with your name on it! Are you going to get it or just talk with your girlfriend?

Oh, she isn't my girlfriend. We're just friends.

He's right Peter, you should go get that money.

Alright. Care to come along?


Peter then begins walking towards the backroom with y/n following.

The Spider-Man Chronicles (Part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora