He grabbed my face with his right hand and brought me closer to his face.

His hands were as cold as ice.

"So before you bluntly lie to me, I'm going to need you to think" He said coldly, his minty breath hitting my face.

"Understand?" He asked me.

I didn't respond. I couldn't.

He studied my face, then chuckled;

"Yes you do understand" He said as he forced my head to nod with his hand.

He stood up, still having his hand gripped on my face. Due to his height I was forcefully brought up to my knees.

He chuckled once more before letting go of my face and walking away.

I huffed and quietly cussed myself out as I stood up.

One difference between the Riddle brothers are;

Mattheo is violent and rude but I'm not so scared of him.

But Samuel, there's something about him. One minute he could be laughing and a second later he could be wanting to kill you. And he's only been here for three days so I'm not sure how violent he could get. But by the way he chuckled then stared at me like he was going to murder me gives me an idea of how violent he could get.

They're both just bipolar.

I walked into potions five minutes late due to the event that happened between me and samuel. Thankfully Professor Slughorn only gave me a warning. But to my surprise Mattheo was already there. I sat down awkwardly in my seat, waiting for him to say something to me.

But he said nothing.

Class ended and we didn't say a word to each other. I get if he regrets it because I do too, but we could at least talk about it.

As I walked behind him as we exited the class, I grew frustrated.

"Mattheo" I said.

He turned around;

"What?" He asked.

"Can we talk about what happened?" I asked.

He shot his left eyebrow up;

"For what?" He said, slightly with an attitude.

I grew angry.

"The hell you mean 'For what'" I said harshly.

He quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hallway into an empty one.

"I don't get why we need to talk" He said as he let go of my arm.

"Why? Because Mattheo I don't even understand why it happened, so I thought that maybe you could tell me why" I said.

"Look I was bored, and you were there so yeah" He said flatly.

I looked at him with confusion;

"You were bored, that's it?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm not sure what answer you were hoping to hear but yeah, I was bored" He said.

"Okay" I said.

"I'm not surprised," I said before walking away.

I walked back into the potions classroom.

"Professor" I said as I walked to Professor Slughorn's desk.

"Ah hello, Everly," He said sweetly.

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