A/M: Sorry I haven't been updating. My cousins have been over and I had no time to write nor post. 

Thank you for reading!

Now to continue the story...

"There you two ar-!" Before he finished he realized what was happing. "Oh. Uh. Oops. But I do have to say... FINALLY!! The tension between you two is crazy! Man. Now I feel bad. It was about to happen and I just messed it up. You know what? Ignore I was here, continue--" He said dragging out that last word. Minho and his buggin' words. Buggin'? Did I just say buggin'?

At that point Minho had left us. Shuck. It was pretty awkward after that. But we both headed to our hammocks and had a full nights rest.


I woke much later today than usual. Luck for me, today was Ben and George's turn to run. Not lucky for me, Minho will be on my back about what he witnessed last night. I step out of my hut, which Gally had so kindly built me, prepared for whatever attack Minho had planned for. Surprisingly enough nothing happened. Confused, I start walking over to Fry to get my much needed breakfast.

"Hey Fry! What's for breakfast?"

"Hey Y/N! It's eggs and toast." He plops down the food. Yes. Plops. 

Before walking away to eat I ask, "Do you know where Minho is?"

"Nope sorry. He hasn't come to breakfast yet."

I start walking towards a tree seemingly planted too far from the forest. It's the only tree in the open fields of the glade, which means the only shade. I sit down and wonder why Minho hasn't come to breakfast yet. He's always one of the first people. I look down at my eggs. They don't really look like eggs but Fry made them, so I'm sure they'll taste good. I take a bite and immediately think, you know what? I think I can go without breakfast. I stand up to walk back to the kitchen when I feel eyes on my back. I start walking but I can still feel the eyes trailing me. Following my every move. I spin in a 360 trying to figure out who is staring at me. My eyes match theirs and my face drops. 

It's Minho. I see him walking out of the mapping hut with a smirk on his face as he catches me looking at him. Aannndddd... here we go.

Minho runs over to me yelling, "Hey! Hey! Y/N I have to tell you something!" Once he gets over to me he mumbles something but I can't exactly hear what he said.

"I'm sorry, come again?"

He mumbles again but this time I can hear it better. I heard it. But I didn't want to hear it so I ask again, "Say it again?"

"Wait what did I say?" Minho replies

"I like Newt."

"Huh? Louder?"

"I LIKE NEWT!" Just as the words come out of my mouth, I realize what Minho just did. Before I get the chance to smack him across the face, he bursts into a run. I do a quick spin to see if anyone heard me. I stop spinning when I see him. Newt. Newt heard what I said. Despite me knowing he feels the same, as last night showed, I still am angry enough at Minho. So, I sprint after him tackling him to the ground. 


"Say what Y/N?" There he goes. Acting all innocent. 

"You know Minho. You knew Newt was close enough to hear us."

"Well by the looks of last night, I didn't think you would care."

"Whatever! I'm going to help Fry." Storming away from him I can hear him snicker. 


We decide to have a bonfire because everyone has gotten bored and we need some fun. I decide to, not forgive, but let go, of what happened with Minho earlier in the day. I sit next to Minho as we eat and are entertained by Gally and the others playing a game they invented. The objective was to push the other person out of a circle drawn in the sand. 

Gally is in the circle with Ben, they are currently tied having pushed each other out 1 time. They are matched in strength so this has been going on for what feels like hours. Some clears their throat behind me. "Do you mind if I talk to you Y/N?" a think accented voice says from behind me. Only one person has that voice.

I turn around to respond, "Sure Newt. Let's walk and talk."

A/N: I know this chapter is shorter. But what is Newt going to say? Hope your enjoying!

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