Chapter 2

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The elves marched the dwarves to the dungeons while some seized the tall handsome dark-haired dwarf.

"Where are they taking him?" Elvina questioned. Legolas turned to her.

"To see the king."

And with that he walked away, not seeing how the elleth flinched at the mention of the Elven King. Elvina breathed a shaky breath and walked away to find Tauriel. Just as she entered the dungeons, guards burst through the doors and thrust the dwarf's arm into her hand.

"Put him in his cell!" Then they stalked off. Elvina walked the dwarf to his cell, but she couldn't stop staring at him. He glanced at her and studied her face. 'She is quite beautiful...for an elf.' He thought to himself.

"You look unhappy." Thorin stated. The she-elf glanced at him and then at the ground. She sank down on the floor and sighed.

"It's just...I don't feel like I belong in MirkWood, with all the pain I've suffered." She whispered. A flash of her parents death came to her mind, causing her to shiver. The elleth blinked away her tears as memories of her father and mother flooded her mind. She glanced at the floor when one water droplet escaped out of her eye. The dwarf-king was suddenly interested, he had thought it was some stupid excuse to bother him. But the distant and pained look on her face stopped him with his mouth open wide.

"If you don't mind me asking, what pain? What caused it?" Thorin asked carefully. The she-elf looked at him and grimly smiled.

"Let me start from the beginning..."  She spent the rest of the night telling him about she and Tauriel's past before Mirkwood, in Mirkwood and with King Thranduil.

"You see, Thranduil took us in after our parents died. Not because he cared or wanted to help us, of course. He saw us as more tin soldiers to order around  and make miserable. Most of the elves that make up the guard, filled the gap our parents left, and raised my sister and I; into who we are today. And since then, me and Tauriel have a target on our backs for the king to poke and prod, and pick at."

When the she-elf looked at Thorin, she saw so many emotions playing on his face. One, she could identify was anger or maybe sorrow? But the rest of them were too fleeting to recognize. Thorin slowly sat down on the stone floor in his prison and looked at her fully.

"I assume you know who I am. Thorin...Oakenshield at your service. And you are?" He introduced quietly.

" name is Elvina." She replied shyly and smiled softly at Thorin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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