Start from the beginning

"y/n, you can't call the landlord," Tom insisted. "He's a jerk, we don't need him here."

"See!" you argued. "This is a perfect example! I bet you've just never given him a chance to show you what an amazing person he really is!"

"Uh, no, he's really bad," Harrison said.

"Awful," nodded Jacob. "The worst."

"He sucks," agreed Harrison.

"Seriously, don't call the landlord," said Tom.

"Okay," you said.


You didn't call him. You just walked down to where the landlord lived and decided to ask him personally. He lived in the basement because of course the landlord your roommates hate lives in the creepy old basement. It was really gross and mildewy down there, but you knew that you were right.
The landlord was a tall, lanky man. When you walked in, he was sitting on his bed, painting a tiny figurine. You knocked on his bookcase, and he barely looked up.
"Hi, Mr. Landlord?" you said. "Nice place you got here. I like your..."

You glanced to your right, where some half-burnt pages were sitting in a pile.

He didn't answer, just stood and sat at his desk. You decided to cut to the chase.
"Okay, I live in Apartment 4D and there are kind of a lot of safety hazards there. You know, nothing a little landlording couldn't fix. You down?"


He still didn't look up.
You sighed, folding your arms. "I'm gonna be honest here, my roommates are really scared of you, but I know that you're a good person, and I know you don't want four of your tenants living in a dangerous—"
"Four of you?"

Of course now he looks at you.
"There's only supposed to be three tenants in 4D," he said.

You stared at him a moment, processing what a horrific mistake you had just made. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water before you forced a laugh and said, "Did I say four? Oh, silly me, I must have counted myself twice. It's a super easy mistake to make, ha. Anyway, I'm gonna get going...."
You turned and walked back upstairs as quick as you could. Luckily all three of your roommates were sitting on the couch. You quickly closed the front door, gasping for breath as you wheezed out, "Okay, everyone, let's think back to when you did something stupid — now think about how you were treated, and how you wish you were treated."
"What did you do?" Tom asked instantly.

Suddenly there was a hard knock on the door and a familiar voice shouted, "Open up!"
"You talked to the landlord?" hissed Tom, his eyes widening.

"Just a little," you panted.

"Okay, go, go, go!" whispered Jacob hoarsely.

You yelped a little in the whirlwind of movement that followed. Jacob and Harrison wheeled Harrison's bed out of his room, throwing it out the window and onto the fire escape. Tom followed with all of Harrison's clothes.
"Call me Antoine!" Harrison kept saying. "Call me Antoine!"

"Close those up!" said Tom as he and Jacob headed for the front door. You kicked the last of Harrison's stuff over the stoop and closed the windows just as Harrison emerged from his room with a suitcase and a phony smile.

Tom opened the front door. "Brad, Tony," said the landlord as a form of greeting. You winced.
"Oh, goodbye!" Harrison said, putting on a phony accent that sounded kind of French but also a little Australian. "Goodbye, friends, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, Antoine!" chorused Tom and Jacob.

"Goodbye, Antoine," you added, confused.

"Such lovely time in LA," said Harrison, smiling at the landlord. He squeezed through the front door, towards the elevator. "Goodbye, thank you for memories!"

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