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The sound of Recovery Girl's smooch echoes through the small hospital room. You were completely exhausted, never being able to fully fall asleep in the uncomfortable plastic chair that sat next to Aizawa's bed. 

He was still asleep, but at least now his body could start repairing itself with less pain as he slept. 

"Y/N, you really should go home. You've been here since yesterday and it's already 9 am. Get some rest sweetie." 

You shook your head at Recovery Girl, "No no, I promised Hizashi I'd be here when he wakes up" 

"Take it from a medical professional, he's not going to wake up any time soon so just go home and wash up-" 

A grunt from the mummy lying in the bed cut Recovery Girl off. Your eyes widened and you scooted over. 


"It hurts," He croaked out from under the bandages. Tears filled your eyes at the sound of his pain-filled voice. 

"I know I know, but you're going to be okay." 

Recovery Girl gave you a nod and waved, grabbing her purse and shuffling out the door. You looked back at Aizawa who was beginning to shift uncomfortably in his bed. 

"Stop stop, Shota, you can't be moving too much-" 

"I need to check on my kids-" 

"Your class is just fine, you did an amazing job keeping them safe." 

You saw a sigh escape him, he seemed frustrated to say the least. 

"Because Recovery Girl came in, the doctor said you should be safe to go home, but you won't really be able to do much on your own at first. Do you want me to call Hizashi and ask if he can stay with you tonight?" 


"Oh um okay well, who should I call then?" 

"Can you just stay with me?" 

You froze, your mind flooding with the memories of when a very drunken Aizawa had stayed with you. 


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Pushing the metal wheelchair through Aizawa's front door, you looked around the unfamiliar home. Aizawa had been to your apartment plenty of times but you'd never visited the pro heroes house. It was surprisingly clean and unsurprisingly gray. The space seemed dehydrated and dying for some color. 

You brought Aizawa to his kitchen and turned to face him. He was no longer wrapped head to toe in bandages, just some wrapping on his face, arms, and chest. All which the doctor had asked you to replace after he takes a bath. 

"Okay, I'm guessing you're hungry so let's order something and get you in the bath while it's on its way. How does that sound?" 

"Fine," He grumbled tiredly. 

"Pizza ok?" 

He nodded. You eyed him before pulling out your phone and sending out the order for 2 medium pizzas and breadsticks. 

"Okay, bath time, where's your bathroom Aizawa?" 


"I'm sorry?" 

"Stop calling me Aizawa. Just, please, call me Shota again." 

He sounded embarrassed expressing his plea. You pursed your lips and nodded. 

"Okay, I'm sorry. Where's your bathroom Shota?" 

"It's connected to my bedroom, down the hall, and to the left." 

You gripped the handles of the wheelchair and pushed to his room. It was just as gray as the rest of his home, but his yellow sleeping bag was tossed on the floor beside his bed. You pushed the wheelchair into his bathroom and kneeled in front of him. 

"Are you comfortable with me helping you?" 

"I don't really have much of a choice. Its fine." 

You nodded and gently began removing his sweater, exposing his bandaged chest underneath. 

"Arms," you asked, gingerly beginning to remove the bandages from them. His arms were black and blue and littered with gashes.  "Legs," You mumbled as Aizawa shakily stood up from the chair, allowing you to remove his loose sweat pants. His legs were covered in bruises, but no bandages needed to be removed. Standing up, you concentrated on removing the wrapping around his chest, stained in his blood. As more bandage was removed you could see the quickening of his chest rising and falling.  "I'm sorry if this hurts," you whispered, removing the bandages from his face. 

"Ow," He hissed quietly, causing you to whisper an apology. You gasped at the sight of gash under his eye being held together by black stitches. "Pretty bad huh?" 

"N-no, I just, I haven't really seen any of the damage." 

Gently, you reached up and cupped his cheek, Shota wincing in response. "I'm so glad you're alive," You whispered, tears beginning to fall onto your cheeks. 

"Y/N, no, please don't cry, I-I hate seeing you upset." 

Sniffling, you wiped your nose and looked up to see tears welling up in Shota's eyes. 

"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry-" 

"Y/N, stop apologizing, please. I'm the sorry one. I'm sorry I lied." 

You froze and stared up at Shota's cut face, pleading and apologetic. He was so wounded but right now all he asked for was your forgiveness. 

"I love you- a-and I couldn't admit it because I don't want you to love me.  You shouldn't, I mean for fucks sake I almost died today and-" 

With all the confidence you managed to possess, you pressed your lips against Shota's shutting him up. With shaking hands he reached to your face, pulling it closer and kissing you with a deepness you didn't think was possible. 

Moments later you pulled away, whispering with shyness, 

"I already do love you." 

A weak grin spread across Shota's face, an unexpected bright laugh echoing through the bathroom. 

"Well that makes things easier then, doesn't it?" 

You chuckled and rolled your eyes. 

"Go take your bath, the pizza will be here soon."

 Aizawa nodded a blush plastered across his face. You scurried out and shut the door behind you, pressing your back against it and holding your hands to your beating heart. 

「 starving artist 」shota aizawaWhere stories live. Discover now