Start from the beginning

"In Charlottetown." Anne lowered her hand.

 "Uh, my aunt Josephine has electricity." Diana added.

 "Well, with a light bulb..." Miss Stacy wrapped pieces of wire around the nails that were inside the potatoes. "...scientists have found a way to send electric currents-atoms carrying energy-into a container full of gas-a different type of atom-and when those two types of atoms meet, they exchange their energy and make..."

Everyone watched curiously as she continued to wrap the wire. 

"Light!" Both Aurelie and Gilbert exclaimed once more. Aurelie clenched her jaw, staring ahead this time, though she could feel Gilbert's stare linger for a moment.

 "So, here in Avonlea, with a little ingenuity and some Prince Edward Island potatoes..." Chuckled Miss Stacy.

"...we have..." She trailed off, turning a light bulb into place. Suddenly, it lit up. "...electricity." She beamed. The class clapped in excitement. Interrupting their celebration, Mrs. Lynde cleared her throat.

"Why, hello!" Exclaimed Miss Stacy, taking notice of the Progressive Mothers gathered by the entrance. Aurelie spotted her mother standing shyly in back of the mothers. Miss Stacy pursed her lips. "Good timing. We were just brightening our day." She joked. "Won't you join us?"

Miss Stacy made her way forward towards the women, allowing Moody, to reach out to the potato. "Does it taste like chocolate?" He wondered as he held it up. He stuck out his tongue to taste the wire.

"Moody, no!" Screamed Aurelie. It was too late, as Moody's tongue had already grazed the wire, which created a slight spark. In panic, he dropped the potato, bringing down the entire set up, and shattering the light bulb on the floor. Everyone gasped. Moody fanned his tongue worriedly with his hands.

"Moody!" Worried his mother. 

"Everyone stand still right where you are." Instructed Miss Stacy. 

"My child, my child!" Cried out Mrs. Spurgeon. 

"Please stay back." Requested Miss Stacy, looking to the woman. "Thank you."

She sighed. "Let's keep our heads. Logic dictates there are no shards under your feet, and I'd like to keep it that way. I'll fetch a broom." She stated, stepping away.

Due to the incident, most of the mothers pulled their son or daughter immediately out of the class. Aurelie leaned up against the wall by the exit, waiting for her mother to finish checking if there were any shards left and help put the desks back in place. 

Gilbert stood on the other side of the door, though neither one of them had said anything to the other. It was odd how they went from speaking to each other with ease, to silence and annoyance in just a matter of days.

"Let's get you away from here. What if that glass had cut your face?" Urged Mrs. Pye as she held Josie by the arm.

"Mother, please, it was my fault!" Moody pleaded as his mother dragged him away. He glanced at Aurelie on his way out. With a sympathetic expression she waved him goodbye. 

"You should've been sitting, safe and sound, at a desk!" Scolded the woman.

"We expect this classroom to be orderly and calm, and we expect you to conform to the curriculum." Mrs. Andrews explained sternly to Miss Stacy. 

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