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"You can not be serious." Kaoru rolled his eyes, trying to play it off like he wasn't moved by the sentiment. His long pink hair was braided to one side, his crisp white button down shirt haphazardly tucked into his gray plaid uniform pants. Kojiro smirked, nodding once before digging around in an old box.
"I can't believe you forgot. You worked on it for like a solid week, redoing it until the lines 'were perfect'."
He mocked, tucking a lock of his green hair back behind his ear as he continued to search the box. Kojiro's school uniform matched Kaoru's, except his was still buttoned up.
Kojiro almost cheered, happily shouting and waving a piece of paper around.
"Ha! I knew I had it! Look at this, Kaoru! You don't remember?"
Kaoru's eyes widened, eyes scanning over the old crumpled piece of paper in Kojiro's hand.
"We were in the Second Grade, Kojiro. How do you-" Kojiro flashed him a devilish grin.
"You finally finished this and then tossed it aside because you felt like it still wasn't perfect. This is it though, this is what I want."
Kaoru felt his face get hot, trying to avert his gaze. "You're going to get this squiggly circle tattooed on your body?"
He asked, almost needing to reassure himself that this was in fact a real conversation.
"Why would you-"
"Because you drew it, Kaoru." Kojiro interjected, closing the space between them with one quick step. "You worked so hard on it. And then I'll feel like I'll always have you with me."
Kaoru couldn't hide the deep red flush that crept up his cheeks, and with their bodies so close, he couldn't avoid Kojiro's gaze.
"Who knew a gorilla could retain such sentiment." He teased, trying to regain his composure.
Kojiro just smirked back, leaning even closer towards Kaoru.
"It's ok to have feelings, Princess. Don't be such a robot all the time. Let people in and live a little."
Kojiro's lips were just a breath away from Kaoru's.

'I could so easily-'

Kojiro smirked at Kaoru, before playfully biting Kaoru's bottom lip.
All the blood drained from Kaoru's face, growing slightly light headed.
'What is happening?!'
As quickly as it happened, Kojiro leaned back, taking a step backwards before turning on his heels towards the door.
"I won't even make jokes about how you'll be on me forever, just come with me to get it done, Princess."

"D-did you just bite me?!" Was all Kaoru was able to stutter out, his mind and mouth all jumbled up as he was still trying to process what had happened.
"I'm gonna change and then let's head out. The appointment's in an hour." Was all Kojiro responded with as he headed back out to his room.
"You cannot just go around biting people, you damn gorilla!"


"This is comical! So the muscly gorilla can't handle pain?" Kaoru snorted, watching Kojiro squirm in the tattoo chair.
"I would have never suspected you to be a wuss, Kojiro."
Kojiro wanted to snap back with witty comments, but he gritted his teeth through the pain of the tattoo needle piercing his shoulder.
Kaoru couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease him, especially after his little performance earlier at the house.
"Do you want to hold my hand, baby?"
Kojiro's eyes flickered up to Kaoru.
"Baby?" He wiggled his eyebrows at him, then quickly wincing at the pain again.
He was always so quick to turn things back around on Kaoru, catching him off guard once more.
"You're acting like an infant." He tried to reiterate, but even the tattoo artist looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.
Kojiro smirked again, reaching out his arm to Kaoru.
"Hold my hand, baby." Kojiro emphasized the last word, leaving Kaoru flustered again.
"Dopey gorilla." Was all Kaoru could reply, rolling his eyes to avoid eye contact, but took Kojiro's hand in his own as they waited for the tattoo to be finished.


"It's sick! Man it's perfect!" Kojiro beamed, admiring his fresh new tattoo in the mirror.
"What do you think, Kaoru? Hot, right?" He raised an eyebrow at him, watching the pink haired boy get flustered.
"Of course it looks amazing, I created it after all."
Kojiro laughed, watching the tattoo artist wrap his arm.
"Now I've got you with me forever, Kaoru."
The soft tone of his voice caught Kaoru off guard, even the tattoo artist looked up at him, slightly confused.
Kaoru stumbled on words, chewing on the inside of his cheek. Kojiro smirked again, wrapping his non tattooed arm around Kaoru's slender shoulders, leaning close to his face once more.
"Wow, Princess, I've left you speechless."
Kaoru flicked Kojiro's nose, still flustered, but staying tucked under Kojiro's arm.
He would never admit out loud how comfortable this was, or how warm Kojiro was. He would simply never hear the end of it.
"Hey! Uncalled for!" Kojiro whined, but Kaoru simply smiled at him.
"It's honestly very sweet of you, Kojiro." Kaoru's tone was soft, genuine.
"I'm truly flattered, maybe you are capable of being sentimental."
Kojiro finished paying and headed out the front door of the shop, Kaoru still safely tucked under his arm.
"Kaoru, I uh." Kojiro paused, stopping in his tracks to turn and face Kaoru.
Kaoru raised an eyebrow at him.
Kojiro gulped, swallowing down the words that were almost desperate to come out of his mouth.
"I uh, thanks for coming with me. You mean a lot to me." He paused, face blushing slightly as he turned his gaze away quickly. "It means a lot to me." He quickly tried to correct himself, but Kaoru simply smirked up at him.
"Of course, Kojiro."

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