The path: mary

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I always loved being around family they would cheer me up no matter what , but I haven't seen them for about 2 years. Why you ask? Because of jay of course he knows many of my secrets l'll get into what he knows exactly later cause now I want to tell you about how it all started . High school WASNT exactly the best place for me nor do I think it is for anyone, but I often got bullied because i was a tomato and my weight . "You fat whore!", "haha you're just a overweight tomato!!!" ... ignoring it was the best and only option teachers act like they care but in reality they just want the day to be over and get payed . I didn't have friends mainly because I thought maybe if I hung out with someone they would bully them too for talking to me , and I don't want them to hurt because of me that's just not fair , you know? Eating lunch alone didn't really bother me while I was eating the nasty lunch grass I saw her , and she was as beautiful as ever if only I could talk to her.Who's her you ask? Yes I'm a lesbian I've always was attracted to girls , Jenny was the her I had a crush on since Elementary seeing her grow up from day one was honestly a privilege for me , and Jenny was tall, yellow ,her beautiful green eyes, and many piercings that all looked insanely good on her ... oh did I mention she smelled like a faint scent of cigarettes! Confessing wasn't an option 1. I'm very insecure about my self image 2. I'm a little on the bigger side which isn't a bad thing but I tend to forget that ! 3. Maybe she has a boyfriend or who knows maybe she's a lesbian?! I REALY HOPE SHE IS! 4. I rather not embarrass myself. Yep those are my great excuses I will stand by. The school day passed by I was severely exhausted by the Constant bullying today , but at least I got to see jenny sometimes she doesn't come to school for 3 days even weeks! While I was walking home I decided to stop at the local convenient store to buy food to make for dinner today for my family .Chip section was looking really good so I decided to move to that section , and guess what?! Jenny was also in the chip Section buying onionrignyies I was really freaking out in my head never in my life have I been this close to her, and here I am standing in the same place as her ...if only I could stop time to enjoy this longer. Things never last long I was walking back when a tall ugly corn man  , he honestly looked like he didn't shower for days,ambushed me and said "hey fatty you got any fucking money?!" , "no I don't ." I say with confidence cause I don't I spent it all on food . "Ahhh you're fucking lying LET ME SEE YOUR WALLET WHORE!" He tries to grab me so I kick him right in the corn balls , and down he went "HAHAHAHA DAMN  YOU GOT HIM GOOD!" is what I hear now guess who that was? If you said Jenny sadly no ... it was a childhood friend jay the eggplant. Jay and I go way back we've been friends since forever he actually is older he graduated last year which is why I get bullied more than I used to , and something I know that he doesn't is that he obviously has a huge crush on me. If only I could tell him the truth . "Ahhh you saw that huh?" , "pfft yeah I did you okay though?" Says jay, "yeah I'm fine what you doing here?", "oh I saw you with that ugly corn guy by chance honestly really glad I got to see that!" , we talked the whole way to my house . Jay spent the night at my house again while I was sleeping on my bed I felt something or someone watching me, and I had a gut feeling jay was the someone watching me in my sleep ....again. Uncomfortable is what I've felt I have to get up and tell him I'm not attracted to him and explain my boundar- ... he kissed me in disgusted and surprised I got up quickly "what the fuck jay?" , "oh- uh I'm sorry I thought you would like it ." "And why the hell would I like it I WAS ASLEEP." what a fucking creep why do I still hang out with him? "Jeez can you be quiet I thought you liked me too?" , "ha first of all I don't I'm also not attracted to guys!" , silence is what he was after I said that also his attitude completely changed ," oh so you're a fucking fag".   What? "I'm a fucking what jay?" , "a fag . I bet you haven't told you're family huh? Ha what a fucking let down honestly if you manage to tell them I bet they would be really disappoint- I slapped him out of anger which was a mistake that I learned that day. Jay violently pushed me down on the bed and started to put his hands around my neck slowly squeezing down proceeding to say "a fag and a dirty fucking prostitute how disgusting." My heart stopped how did he know I was a prostitute? Why is he saying all this? Maybe this is my fault for rejecting him? Did I hurt him? I'm sorry this is my fault so l'll take responsibility is what I thought at the time. I put my red tomato hand on his face and said "h-hey jay I'm sorry I lied I've always liked you ." Pitiful is what I am. Gullible is what he is .  "Wait really? You do?" He let go and started to hug me repeatedly saying " I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..."  I hugged him back having many thoughts flowing through my head the only one I could seem to hear was "maybe I deserve this treatment for being a worthless waste of space ... for disappointing my parents by selling my body." Jay looked at me and said " don't think about leaving or telling your parents cause now you're mine . Or do you want me to tell them?". Funny how I was happy go lucky about seeing Jenny a few hours ago enjoying dinner with my family, and now I have no choice but to play along with him ... I hate this ... I hate him most of all I hate myself for being ...well for being me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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