The Princess and The Commoner

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Dear Diary,

I finally did it. After months of careful planning I finally escaped. I've been get in captivity for sixteen years and finally I have managed to escape. This princess finally got to see the world that surrounds the palace. You would have thought it impossible for a princess to leave unnoticed but it proved to be easier than expected. No one except those within the palace are aware of what I, Sophie Princess of Gavaldon, look like. So as I escaped into the village, dressed in my maids uniform, I went unnoticed by the village residents. My escape plan was thought out my myself and my very loyal maid, Agatha.

'Sophie this is too dangerous!' Agatha had voiced her concerns the first time I had voiced my hopes of seeing the outside world.

'Aggie I've lived my whole life stuck behind the palace walls, I need to escape. Even just for a day.' So out of love and loyalty to me Agatha helped me plan my escape.

Early on the morning of one of my fathers weekly meetings I would go to the servants quarters via the secret passage way I discovered many years age. With the help of Agatha I would dress as a maid, my face hidden under a large floppy hat Agatha had borrowed from one of the older maids and escape into the village.

The plan seemed to easy, and I couldn't help by fear it would go terrible wrong, but as you may have guessed it went exactly as planned, and I write this hours later, lay on my bed after the most wonderful day of my life.


The village was almost completely deserted apart from a few shop owners who were preparing for opening. The palace gallery was filled with painting of the village, all of which were created by the royal painter August Sader, but the painting did not do this village justice. It was much larger that I had expected, filled with beautiful brick houses, churches, pubs and schools. Agatha had grown up in this village and had written me a list of places to visit, including directions on how to get to these places. My loyal maid spend time making these for me, I almost feel sorry that I didn't get the opportunity to use it. Almost!

I spend ten minutes wondering around the village market, watching as villagers prepared for opening, and as I reached the end of the market the most wonderful thing happened. I was far to busy watching the villagers go bout their work that I paid little attention to where I was going, I failed to noticed the big fluffy dog run in front of me and the next moment I found myself laying face first in the ground. Of course that wasn't what made this moment so wonderful but rather what happened after.

'Frog!' I hear a voice shout from above me, I pushed myself over to that instead of my face being to the ground I was staring at the sky and in my direct vision was a boy. He had yet black hair which feel across his deep brown eyes, the boy wasn't exactly Prince Charming, but I couldn't help blush as our eyes meet.

'Are you okay?' He asked, extending a hand and helping me to my feet 'I'm sorry my dog knocked you over'

'I'm fine,' I said as I brushed the dirt from my dress which had been torn when I feel. I'll need to buy Agatha a new one.

'Your bleeding' the boy observed and placed his hand on the top of my forehead exactly where my hairline lies, I flinch back in surprise and in pain. 'I'm sorry'

'There's not reason to apologise, I should have been watching where I was going' I told him, 'Is your dog okay?'

'He'll be fine, he had a habit of running of and tripping people up. It's you I'm worried about, your bleeding pretty bad. Come with me to the Village Inn and I can find you some help. Frog and I are already going there'

I agreed to go with the boy and together with his dog we walked down a small allyway before stopping in front of a small brick building. The boy opened the door and gestured for me to enter. The room we entered was alive with noise, quiet the contrary to the quiet outdoors. The room was lined with wooden tables which were all filled up by villagers, who were eating and laughing together. At the very back of the room there was a wooden bar with a cheery dark skinned women smiling and laughing with her customers.

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