"No, If he wants to be an asshole he can leave, he's got his own car in perfect condition" He turns back up the radio

we sit in silence until

"I DONT KNOW WHY YOU'RE BEING SHY" Luke screams along to the music

"When I hear there's a musical you're the first person I'm recommending" I laugh

"Shut up" He mumbles

We get to Johnny's house and he comes out the door

As soon as his eyes land on me he makes a weird face and looks away instantly.

Okay I know I couldn't have done something that bad.

"Okay so John I gotta stop at Dads shop for our lovely Maeve here," Luke says smiling at me

"Alright" Orlando mumbles

The whole ride there was spent in silence and the second we get there I rush out of the car

"I'll meet you inside?" Luke says

"Um yeah sure," I say walking inside

Whatever was going on I most definitely didn't have time for. Probably some childish drama anyways nothing I could give tw-

I fall to the ground.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," A guy says offering his hand to help me up

I happily accept knowing my clumsiness and I'm back on my feet again

"It's okay I wasn't paying any attention if anything it's my fault" I look up at him

"Damn what happened to you?" He says looking at the big cut under my eye

"Car crash," I say casually

"Well shit, The names Wess," He says smiling at me

"Maeve" I smile back

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" He responds

I know he did not just use that line.

I hear the bell from the door go off and I turn around to see Orlando glaring at Wess.

"Know him?" Wess says looking at me

"Yeah, friends sorta?"

"Maeve I gotta ask you something," Orlando says looking at me.

Oh so now he wants to speak to me.

"Cool, Cant it wait?" I respond with full attitude

"It's important" He rolls his eyes

I walk over to him and cross my arms

"What's so important?" I huff

"Uh, Damn see now I forgot" He blurts out

"Mhm," I say walking away from him

"Trouble in paradise" Wess says with a laugh

"We're not togethe-" He cuts me off

"I know, You said you two were friends I'm just joking around" He smiles

"Oh, Right, Sorry" I smile back

"Don't worry about it, You got a lot on your plate. How does coffee sound?" He smiles again.

"Right now?" I question

"Yeah if it's not a problem" He shrugs his shoulders

"Not a problem at all, But I do somehow have to get my car here" I reply

"My dad has a tow truck and we can get it here if that's alright with you?" He asks

Okay, why the hell is he being so nice to me- I mean he just met me? I'm pretty sure the coffee things a date though which I don't exactly mind.

"That'd be great, Thank you! Let me just go tell my friend real quick and I'll be right back" I say walking to luke

"So I see you've met Wess," Luke says looking up at me

"I have, He wants to go out for coffee and I agreed to it, He also said he'd use his dad's truck to tow mine over here. So he's been pretty helpful" Luke grins

"Ah I see little Maeve here has herself a date, Just make sure you get the car here within two hours alright?" He says as I nod my head

"Okay cool, And tell your bipolar friend that Miller wants to see him" I laugh as I walk-off

"Ready to go?" Wess

"Yeah, let's go"

We walk out of the repair shop and he unlocks his car. I get in and he begins to drive off

"So how does the cafe on 12th street sound?"

Of course he'd pick that one. Everyone picks that one. But the memories that place gives me? I wouldn't want to go there for a date. Especially not with the "remodeling"

"Um, Not too big on that one"

"That's the first person who's ever told me that, So Westons Cafe it is" He smiles

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