Start from the beginning

Aurelie sighed. "I...I...my mother and I were responsible for Josephine Barry's flower decorations. We were invited to her spring celebration and have two extra invitations." Aurelie managed to say. "I was--we were wondering if you'd--you and Sebastian would like to attend as our...guests? You'd be mine and Sebastian would be..." Aurelie exhaled, pursing her lips anxiously.

"You know-- not as, like, dates or anything-- no! Certainly not anything like that. It's only--we had such fun at Christmas--I really do love the seeds you gave me-- and we wanted you to come along for the party, which will be just amazing! It is terribly beautiful and I think we did an amazing job with the flowers--It's spring themed, actually." She rambled.

Gilbert raised his eyebrows, continuing to stare at her, which only intimidated her further. "Are you finished?" He inquired. Aurelie, her lips parted slightly, nodded. "Yeah." She informed breathily.

"Well, uh...I'd love to attend...and I'm sure Bash would as well." Gilbert responded calmly. 

"Great!" Aurelie forced a smile. She remained in place, stiffly standing in front of Gilbert, staring at the boy with wide eyes. Gilbert awkwardly glanced off to the side, then down at the invitations in Aurelie's hands.

"Are those...for us?" He wondered. Aurelie looked down, instantly holding them up to Gilbert. "Oh--sorry! Yes, here they are." She nodded quickly. Gilbert took them from her hands. 

"I hope it's not too short notice. It's tomorrow evening." Aurelie explained.

"No. It's perfect. Thank you." Gilbert assured. "Bash is taking a nap, but I'll let him know you stopped by as soon as he's awake." He added.

"Thank you." Aurelie grinned. Once again, she did not move, unsure if there was anything else to be said. A moment passed, and she finally spun around without a word, making her way back home. Gilbert watched her, chuckling to himself. Sebastian stepped up beside him. "Just a friend, eh?" He patted Gilbert on the back with a laugh. Gilbert playfully rolled his eyes, shutting the door.


The party was absolutely beautiful. It began with a world renowned pianist, Cecile Chaminade, performing her most famous piece, one that reminded Aurelie of the transition between the winter and the spring. Gilbert and Bash had yet to arrive, as it was still rather early.

Alice and Aurelie took to making sure the flowers did not fall out of place as the party went on. It was exquisite. Everyone was dressed in a formal, spring-themed wear. There were flower crowns, costumes, interesting uses of makeup. There was so much diversity in one place. Aurelie had never felt so welcomed. There was no shame, no judgment.

Aurelie was dressed in a puffy green dress. It had flowers embroidered on its soft fabric. The sleeves were short and the neckline swooped over her chest.

On her head, she wore a flower crown which she made herself. It had all sorts of flowers tied together. Her hair was tied back in a bun, with flowers poking out of it. The final touch, was a small flower necklace around her neck, which was her Christmas gift from her mother.

As the evening progressed, there was still no sign of Gilbert and Sebastian. Aurelie sat on one of the benches, watching the joyful crowd dance and celebrate. She saw beautiful dresses, women in trousers, along with women in short hair. Then, there were much more peculiar aspects, such as people with bird cages in their hair and flower costumes which made it difficult for them to walk. Aurelie wondered where all of these people hid among the regular day crowds.

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