Chapter 1 (edited)

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Three hundred years ago, humans went extinct by a virus called Ferlianka-32. By the time humans were gone, animals started to evolve from nuclear radiation from abandoned power plants. They started gaining humanoid forms, Aka: Anthropomorphic bodies. They built a society just like our own. We fast forward to the present with two Anthro's walking through a forest, basically enjoying the wilderness.

Torra: Wow its so pretty outside!

Alica: Mhmm...

Two of these furries were friends since Alica beat the shit out of some pervert that tried to lay hands on Torra. They both heard rumors of the part of the forest. Mainly, one of them said that humans buried tons of gold, enough for you to support your great great great grandkids. But another one states that a experiment lied deep in the forest, finished, but never discovered or displayed to the public.

Torra dragged Alica along for some bonding, since he power was out in their town. Not wanting to drive for an hour to a city, they decided to go out in the wilderness.

Alica: The rumors are probably not true, hell, even if the gold thing is true, We don't need it.

Torra: See this is why you don't have a boyfriend.

Alica: Don't need one, they are a waste of time.

Torra: Are you a lesbian Alica?

Alica shakes her head. Whenever she goes silent, that means that the conversation is over. They continue walking until they came across a cave. They skipped it until they heard a noise.

Torra: What was that?

Alica: *Looks towards the cave* I'm not going in there. You can though, but it's not advised.

Torra: We can both go in!

Alica was low key scared

Alica: Well ladies first-

Torra: Alica.

Torra dragged Alica along with her into the cave. It then started to rain as they both groaned as they both walked further into the cave. A sudden green light blinds them both as it reveals the inside of a lab. A skeleton with a scientist jacket was right beside the thing that glowed green.

Terra: What.

Alica: The

Terra/Alica: FUCK?!

A computer screen appears as it shows a deathly Ill scientists.

???: hello whoever finds this this is a recording predating 2020 mainly the death of humanity. Either every human is dead, or either deathly ill. there are only six thousand of us on this planet left, and if anything or anyone finds this, in the tube right beside my corpse where I decided to lay down and die is my son he is not my biological son. I have made him in a test tube. he was made to be the ultimate life form, capable of defending Humanity from the most lethal threats. However, the real reason why I made him was to cure my wife. She was suffering from a fatal disease. I decided to make a human the most powerful immune system. being immune to everything on Earth. however, I made him from a human egg cell, so he is a baby as of making this now. currently, he is stuck in suspended animation so he won't age, or be awakened until someone deactivates it, or watch this video. so now you know what I was up to. My skeleton or corpse is right beside the tube. Free my son and give him a childhood that I couldn't deliver. Kudos.

As the video ends, the tube started to drain as the baby begins to stir. Torra ran to the tube as the baby started to cry. The tube retracts to a ceiling as she grabs the baby as he stopped crying. She took a look at the baby as she sees his hair in four spikes. four of which curve upwards while the other two curve downwards. He also had triangular ears on top of his head.


Alica looked at her friend with confusion. Y/N started to laugh in her hands as he grabs her hair softly. Alica took a look at the tiny baby. She had to admit, he was cute.

Alica: I mean, I guess we can keep him.

Torra gave Alica Y/N to hold as he smiled and accidentally grabbed her boob. She froze as she yelped. Y/N looked at her with confusion. Alica gave him a reassuring smile.

They both ran back to their car as Alica held Y/N. In the middle of their ride, he started to cry. Alica started to panic as she looked at Torra.

Torra: He might be hungry. Hey, do you still lactate?

Alica: Yeah, what kind of question is that-

Torra gave her a "You know what I'm talking about" face as Alica blushed and nods nervously. She pulls down her shirt and bra to reveal her nipple. As on que, he latches onto her boob and started to suckle. She stifles a moan as he continued to suck. As soon as he was done, he burps, and proceeds to sleep. She sighs as she pulls up her shirt and bra. Torra giggled as they arrived at their house. Alica was the first one to get out. Torra then notices a tiny little wet spot on the seat.

Torra just shook her head as she enters the house as she sees a sleeping Y/N wrapped up in blankets, and in a huge box.

Torra: Why is Y/N in a box?

Alica: Yeah, he started to shiver, so I made a makeshift bed for him until we get him a new bed.

Torra: Oh, so, what do we do now? I mean, he doesn't need shots, because he's immune to everything.

Alica nods. Taking care of the kid might be easy. Because of his insane biology, they would save hundreds of Thousands of dollars because he doesn't need a doctor. Four hours later, when Alica went to sleep, Torra got up and kissed Y/N on his forehead.

Torra: Goodnight, my little Y/N...

A Human To Surpass All Humans (Human Shadow X Furry Harem)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum