Bombs and Bolts

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" Who the hell does she think she is?!" Bakugō thought to himself. Kirishima walked him out of the classroom, " Hey man, what happened back there?" Kirishima put a hand on his explosive friend's shoulder but is quickly brushed off. " I didn't even want to do this but out of all the extras I have to put up with why does it have to be her?" Bakugo ranted to Kirishima, " I can already tell this isn't going to work, did you hear what she said to me, the damn audacity." " Well, you kinda started it first bro. Heh." Kirishima butted in, big mistake, it was nice knowing him.


Nekketsu sat back in her seat, silently seething. " Are you okay Kyō?" Nekketsu shot Ryū a sharp glare, he noticed the encounter,  of course he did, everyone did. " S-sorry about him, he's uhh... he's just like that most of the time, you get used to it." Midoriya reassured, unfortunately it wasn't super effective, " Get used to... you just let him get away with that shit?" Nekketsu faced Midoriya head on. " Ah, w-well that's umm.. it's... it's complicated. He's complicated, just, you shouldn't hold it against him." Midoriya smiled nervously.

Nekketsu just sighed, " Out of all the students I could be working with..... Why him?" The door opened once again and Kirishima and Bakugō walked back in. Nekketsu and Bakugō locked eyes visibly showing their disdain for the other. Bakugō reluctantly made his way over to Nekketsu until he silently loomed over her, Ryū and Midoriya watched in worried curiosity. " Look," Nekketsu started, brave. " You don't want to be my partner-"
                                      " You got that ri-"
" Don't. Interrupt. Me."

Midoriya and Ryū shared a look of concern while the rest of the class acted like they weren't listening to the inevitable shitshow.

" Where was I... right. And I sure as hell don't want to be yours, but we're stuck with each other. So the best thing we can do for now is to just ignore each other for the next 3 months, I don't bother you and you don't bother me. Deal?"

Bakugō looked impressed, " That's probably the smartest thing you've ever said in your entire life." He smirked

Something flashed in her eyes for a second, " Oh ho ho ho, this jackass." Zhe thought to herself. " Thanks. I'll let you know when you've said yours." She shot back while turning to face her desk. The energy in the already tense room amplified and Bakugō debated if beating this chick up would be worth the detention.

With an exaggerated groan, Bakugō sat in the empty seat next to Nekketsu. The tension in the room slowly melted away. " Okay, let's start with your suit."

                                     " My suit's perfect."

" Let's check anyway, 'kay?"

                                      ".... whatever."

" Is... Is that a garter belt?"

                                       " IT'S NOT A GART- listen here, it's not a garter belt."

" Looks like a garter belt."

                                      " Shut up! It's not- mind your damn business DEKU!"

" I- didn't do anything?"

                                    " I thought I told you to mind your own damn business!"

" How? Can you fit through a door properly with these big ass gauntlets?"

                               " OF COURSE I CAN!"

" Yea no, we're slimming them down."

                                        " NO we're not!"

" YES, we are!"

                            " You're such a damn nuisance, this is MY suit, I don't want YOU'RE grimy little hands all over it! We made a deal that you'd leave me The hell alone so why don't you just shut the fu-"



" Oh shit."

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