Chapter 1: Prologue

Start from the beginning

"Good morning to you, too." I mumbled before taking the two seat at the back of the bus near the passenger side.

When I sat down, the bus abruptly put into motion, my body following the motion to which the bus is traveling at.

It's my first day of school at this new place. I don't know how the transportation is run or what the city looks like, but I will learn and discover it myself.

I have never been the type of person to hang out with people. I spend my time studying and tending to my mother when she gets home from work. I wish my life was much easier than now, but we can't get what we wish.

At each bus stop, students got in the bus and fill the empty seats. Each students sat with other students who they know.

The volume on the bus accelerate.

I observe each seats that was filled up. The front side is where all the students mostly sat. The back, usually the quiet people like me.

When we're at final bus stop, there are only two seats left, one on mine, and one in front of me. The last two student got in and looked around. The student saw the first seat open, walked to it and sat then. The last one looked for a spot, but disappointed showed on his face. I know he wanted to sit with his friends, but he couldn't. He then proceeds to continue to walk to the back of the bus before his eyes landed on the empty spot next to me. He smirked and sat down, really close to me.

I didn't bother to look or talk to him with that smirk on his face. To distract myself from doing it, I looked at the window, wondered how get to school already.

The bus then moved.

"Hello, pretty girl," the student next to me said. I nodded, still looking at the window. "Are you new to this school?" He asked. I nodded. "You not much of a talker, are you?" I nodded again. "I won't disturb you, then."

Not far along the ride, a tall, sloped hill blocked the view of the sky. Its the feeling like a full moon solar eclipse is happening right now. The emotions it makes me feel is calming. I wish it could stay this way forever, but it didn't. The sky reappear bright again and a new Anglican light burst through my eyes. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again to see the light shifted the outer line of a building, covering the top surface of the building like the sun's corona. The place is huge, looking like it was a 16 football fields. The exterior of the walls near the road felt like I was entering a gate to see a big mansion in front of me.

The bus stop at a spot, and everyone stood up, the bus door opened.

Everyone on the bus left. I, on the other hand, looked at the school ground one last time before leaving the bus.

All students from Dae city go to this school. Dae city is big. There are north, west, east, and south of Dae. There is only one high school in Dae. This high school is in the center of the city. I am from the north part. It's not the closest to the school. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to reach the school. I live at the center of the North part.

I pull out my schedule and the school map. I look at the map and my classroom number. Room 1A is my first class. I set my schedule in my backpack and walk into the building.

Each hallway has a specific letter near the entrance to that hallway that reads; G, F, E, D, C, B, A. I guess each sign is for the section that tells which hallway is which by the letter given.

Room 1A.

I walk in.

I see all the students already here, reading their books. I guess this class is for people who don't socialize much.

I shouldn't assume that.

I shake my head and refocus. There are athletic student is in this class too. I guess I'm wrong.
I walk to a random seat and sat down as the bell rang.

Time Skip...

I made it through all my classes today. Each subject was fairly easy, although it's supposed to be advanced and hard. I dream to be a doctor one day, just like my dad. Memories of him emerge from my brain, "You should get to know someone before you describe who they are." That line was my favorite thing to remember before his death. He died in a car accident just the day I turn 8. I remember that day before his death, he was at home, eating breakfast. I was didn't know what I was doing, I  ran up to him, and hug him from behind. "Hi, sweet dumpling. What you up to?" He said with a fatherly voice. "Nothing," I said with my cute soft voice.  "Want to hear one more piece of advice?" I nodded. "Ok, but first sit on my lap." I let go of the hug, and I crawl into his lap, facing him. "Advice of the day, one bad thing that happens shouldn't change who you are or what you do. Learn from it and improve and always do your best so it won't affect you. There will be ways around it." My mouth made a circle while finding the advice pretty interesting. I didn't know what it meant, but later, I did.

I took the advice pretty hard after his death. I had to use it when he passed away. It's the only way I can move on from his death. It didn't work at first, but the second part of the advice gives me the inspiration I need to move on. From then on, I will keep the advice to my heart for the next time I need it.

As for my mother, she didn't take it well. After his death, Mom picked up more jobs to support both of us. Both of my grandparents volunteer to help us through emotion and have economic support, but my mother rejected, saying its too much to ask for and that we never ask the parents anything for support when father was alive.

She works her butts off even though she was suffering inside, still mourning his death. She has 7 jobs now. Our house was far away from her work, so she decided to sell the house, and move closer to her job. The only good place was in North Dae. The rent was much cheaper than the house our father picked out, and the living condition was great. It was 30 minutes drive from where we used to live. I attended a different school, and where my old friends are; Rose and Nayeon. I never attended Dae's school, so it would be an experience to take this year.

Thinking ahead, College will be a pain for me. It's not the classes, but the cost of going to one. I can't get a scholarship to be able to attend for free since no one will provide one for this countryside, but if you get in programs where you make the school known more nationally, you can get college payment for free by the school. I won't be able to do that, so I have to find a job to pay for it. I need all the money I can get before the start of college applications.

"Finish," I mumbled as I put away my homework in my homework folder." Time to go out and explore the city," I said as I grab my city map.

I went to the bus stop, just in time for the travel bus to be here. I hop in and the bus took off. The travel bus has a rotation, appearing 4 times at each stop for this part of the county. The last stop is at least 2 hours and 30 minutes. This bus goes from each part of Dae. North, West, South, and East.

When we got to the central part of the city, all the passengers went out, including me. The part of the city has tons of good views for photography. I see the building raise tall like it was part of a giant monster. Concrete walls block our way to shortcut through buildings. Trees planted on every sidewalk of the road settled around concrete. They made holes on it where dirt can be seen, but the dirt is covered by a net, so the soil wouldn't drift away.

Each sidewalk has its own shop. From nail salons to food markets, restaurants, and even electronics stores.

These buildings don't appeal to me, so I continue forward.

I went deeper into the city until I found a book store. Let's see what is in store in the bookstore.

I walk inside and was incapacitated by the smell of printing when new books arrived or open.

I walk each aisle, looking at doctor books. Each book I look at doesn't have anything with a body.

At the next aisle, I see doctor tools guide glowing at me like it wants me to take it. I grab the book off the shelf and look at the price tag. 35000 won. Yikes, I don't have enough money to buy it. I put back the book and left the place.

I guess this central city doesn't fit me after all. Nothing to explore and it's expensive. The only option is to get a job here.

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