When we stopped, I looked out the window. We were parked in front of a rather run-down looking house, with dirty walls and half-rotten looking window sills. My father turned to us, and began to speak.

"This is where we'll be staying. Far, far away from anyone who could possibly find us. You'll each have your own room, courtesy of me." My father was smiling, but it wasn't a nice smile. It was a terrifying, hate-filled smile, and I held back a scoff of disgust.

"My good friends here will keep an eye on you both," my father continued. "If you even try to escape, you'll regret you were ever born." The way my father said this, casually, as if keeping people locked up against their will an torturing them was a normal thing to him, sent shivers up and down my spine.
"If you comply, we can live our lives as a happy, happy family." There was so much forced sweetness in his voice that I felt sick.

With that, my father and the two men shoved us out of the car, and to the backyard of the seemingly abandoned house. There was someone else in the yard when we entered. A hefty man with a cigarette in one hand. Beside him stood a huge, bulky dog. I could only assume it was some sort of bull terrier, with the square-shaped muzzle and bulky stance, plus the thin, pointed tail.

My father and the man who drove us exchanged some words, and then lead us all inside. The dog was staring at us, growling lowly. I wondered if it was another way to keep us from escaping. I knew that one bite from those slavering jaws would hurt more than I could imagine.

After some moving around, I was finally shoved into a dirty room upstairs. The walls were stained different shades of brown and yellow, and it sickened me to imagine what could have caused those stains. The floorboards were incredibly creaky, and the bed was rickety and covered in dust.

"This is where you'll be staying," my father said to me, while the other men shoved my mom towards another room. "I hope you like it, honey," he continued. "I picked it out especially for you." I felt sick again, and I momentarily thought about how funny it would be if I got sick on him. I decided against it, knowing that would only lead to me getting beat, and swallowed hard.

"Don't you dare call me honey," I said at last. I tried to sound confident, but I could hear the shake in my own voice. "You're no father of mine." I dared spit at my father, expecting him to hit me or shove me against the wall. Instead, he slowly drew his sleeve over his face, glaring at me with so much hatred that I nearly looked away, but I held my stare.

"You can choose your friends, my dear Y/N," he said slowly through gritted teeth. "But you can't choose your relatives." He shrugged, before turning and walking out, slamming the door shut as he did. I heard a click, and knew the door had been locked.

So much for a happy family, I thought. Families don't tend to keep each other locked in their rooms, genius. I flopped down on the rickety bed, my mind wirling. I didn't know what I'd done to deserve this, and I didn't know whether there was any way for me to get out of this horrible situation.

As I curles onto the bed, hugging my knees while tears streamed down my face, I thought of Karl. Surely he and Jimmy and the others were doing their best to find me? They probably got the police involved too, right? An image flashed in my mind, of Karl breaking down the door to the house with a whole SWAT team behind him, rescuing the poor trapped girl from her terrible fate like in some sort of movie. I smiled, for the first time in days. And that's how I fell asleep that night in that terrible room. Thinking of Karl, being the noble savior and eradicating the evil...


Hello, everybody!! It's finally here! You're not Dream-ing at all! (Sorry, bad pun.) The update is here!!

I'd like to give you all a huge huge huge apology for taking SOOOO long to update!!! I know you all love this story! School ended a few days ago, and also something else happened that took my mental health from 80 to 0 really quick, but I'm back on my feet now! So here you go!!

My writing style may have changed a little bit, but I hope it's for the better and can make the story more interesting!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and know that more will be coming MUCH sooner than this one did. And if you're all still here, thank you thank you THANK YOU for the support despite the yucky long time you had to wait for.

To finish things off I'll give you all a cute Karl edit because wHy nOt:

I found that on Instagram, from @ karljacobsofficial, so uh yeah, shout out to them if they read this story XD.

Alright that's all! Anticipate chapter eleven, good-bye everyone have a wonderful wonderful amazing day. \ (^-^) /

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