Chapter 1

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It was a normal day no different than any other. I was counting my money with my co-worker Paul Robeson when a terrible scream filled the room. "What in God's name was that?",I asked trembling with fear. "I don't know, sir",he replied. "I'll go see what has happened",I said. "And stop calling me sir, you know it annoys me", I said with a stern voice. "Y-yes si- I mean Raphael" he said still a little jittery from the sudden terror. I nodded in agreement. I started walking towards the door when sudden thoughts entered my head. "Had someone died?" I thought to myself. Feeling my heart pounding from the sudden fear I wiped the thoughts from my mind. As I grew closer to the door I heard voices many voices at that, but there was something else....a woman crying. I took a deep breath preparing for the worst and walked out the door. I saw a crowd of people gathered around something on the ground. It looked like a human, but that couldn't be right. It was probably just my mind playing tricks with me. But as I walked closer I saw that it was a man. But his face was pale as snow and that he had pockets of skin swelled on his armpits and his hands and arms were black almost as though they had been charred. And there was blood all around him. As I got closer I saw that the blood was coming from his mouth. "How strange" I thought. I was in deep thought when suddenly I was nudged on the arm by someone. I looked and saw that it was a woman. "Do you know what happened?" she asked. "No, I don't" I said with a little more anger than I meant. She looked at me for a few seconds then finally said "I know you, you work at the bank right?" I nodded in agreement. "Your name is Raphael right?", "Yes my name is Raphael,if you don't mind me asking, how do you know me?" I asked. "You're a very important man believe it or not" she said. It's true Raphael knew that he was important because of his position in the workforce. He often got greeted with "Hello, sir" And very much respect. "Miss can I ask for your name?" I asked. She nodded "Yes my name is Aveline Kalliam" she told me. But before I could say anything else she had gone farther into the mass of people in the crowd. Eventually the people started leaving the scene. So I walked closer to the dead man to try and see what had happened but there was a woman who was on her knees next to the dead man sobbing quietly. I walked to her and asked if she knew what happened. She shook her head in disagreement. "One second he was fine the next he was vomiting blood and started choking until he collapsed " she said with tears flowing down her face like rivers. "I'm so sorry" I told her. I then looked closer at the man and I could see that there were lots of little red dots all over him and they looked like bite marks of some small insect. I walked back in the bank and saw that Paul was still doing his work. He looked up at me and asked "What happened out there? " he asked. " Someone got sick and died" I replied. He nodded. I resumed my work and tried to forget what I saw. Little did I know that this was the beginning of a terrible nightmare.

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