𝐆𝐨 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐞

Start from the beginning

- Everything okay Yoonie? Jimin said with a falsely innocent look.
- Chim ... look at what you did - he showed with despair the bump still present under his boxers - You can't leave me like that ..
- Yoongi leave me ... said Jimin, in the tone of imitation .
- Hey Jiminie... I was exhausted, yesterday's rehearsal was really intense and I had a headache... You know how I am...
- Too late.

Yoongi knew he had made a mistake and was going to suffer the consequences. He leaned against his boyfriend's back and placed a kiss on his neck, to be forgiven.
Under his breath, Jimin turned, and began to kiss Yoongi passionately, while brushing his crotch, which made him gasp.
Jimin knew that Yoongi hadn't thought badly pushing him away, he also knew that the older one had to blame himself now, but he was going to get revenge anyway. To have fun, and to make him understand the lesson, of course.

After eating, the couple washed and dressed, in order to be ready for the fan event which took place a few hours later. Once ready to leave, Jimin took Yoongi's hand in his and intertwined their fingers, then led him out of the house. After crossing their beautiful garden, they arrived on the street, where the black car with tinted windows of their agency, which was to drive them to the fan-meeting, was waiting for them. After greeting the bodyguard standing in front of the car, the young couple climbed into the back of the black car.

Once the car started, Yoongi began to watch the landscape go by, thoughtful, when he felt a hand caress his right thigh. He shivered at the touch, trying to gently and reluctantly push away that unwelcome hand in this car where, after all, they weren't alone. Jimin's hand did not persist, but this brief contact was enough for Yoongi to awaken in him thoughts far too personal to be spoken out loud. Jimin knew him by heart, they had spent so much time together, and he knew exactly what appealed to Yoongi.

When the Yoonmin Couple arrived, Jungkook and Taehyung, already arrived at the meeting place for some time, were in their corner, bickering, while Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok ate a bite.
The seven men, finally reunited, gathered at the back of the building to enter through the passage reserved for staff.
The group was chatting happily (and VERY loudly) when they arrived in the dressing rooms where they had to prepare in order to see their fans. Manager Sejin was waiting for them, to tell them that they would perform a few choreas - that of Fake love in particular -, before really starting the fan meeting, to surprise the Army. It was the last meeting with the fans for a few months, so the band wanted to enjoy it as much as possible, and of course satisfy their beloved fans.
Following this announcement, several exclamations rang out:

- But ... we didn't have time to train, imagine if we forget the chorea! Namjoon exclaimed, as a leader.
- And we didn't eat enough to dance, we need to eat a protein dish! I only nibbled a little this morning, me..Journalized Seokjin.
- And our clothes are not designed for that, the stylists could not provide double outfits! Taehyung added.
- We're going to be completely exhausted after that, the Army will see me fall from fatigue ... Termina Yoongi.

The manager smirked at their rather predictable reactions, as Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook "High-Fisted" each other, happy to be able to dance.

- First of all, I think the daily workouts are enough for you, you are used to performing, and I don't see why you would forget about dancing, come on, smiles the manager. Then don't think we haven't prepared anything: snacks and your outfit are waiting for you, he continued patiently.

Yoongi opened his mouth to protest, but the manager added with a smile:

- As for being tired, Mr. Min Yoongi, you are used to concerts, which are much more tiring. And you will have the whole evening to rest, won't you?

Jimin approached Yoongi and whispered in response to the manager:

- Oh no.

When everyone was ready, they entered the arranged stage, one after the other. Yoongi and Jimin brought up the rear, and the latter took the opportunity to slowly run his hands over the older man's body, while whispering to him how much he loved him and how much he wanted him.
A bump appeared under Yoongi's tight pants, but he couldn't do or say anything as it was his turn to take the stage. At that moment, he cursed Jimin, who was going to pass him off as a pervert with the Army, but Jimin was satisfied.

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