I: You? You, what are you doing here?
A: I check to see if you are alive.
I: Why?
A: It is already 12 o'clock and you are sleeping like a dead.
I: What time is it?
A: 12.
I: Please tell me you are lying.
A: Why should I lie to you?
I: I had to put it on, I am late for work.
A: Wait.
Ateş stop Ipek by touch her hand and felt she was amazingly hot, then hand-examined her forehead and cheeks
A: Do you go to work in this condition?
I: In what condition? I'm late.
A: Where do you have a thermometer?
I: I do not know probably in the medicine box. In the closet.
A: Do not get out of bed and wait.

Ateş opened the closet and found a medicine box, took out a thermometer and measured the Ipek temperature.
Ipek closed his eyes, everything was stiff and she did not even have the strength to stand up.

A: 39.6 (ipek's fever). stand up!
Atesh poured cold water into the bath and put ipek in.

I: What are you doing? Are you crazy? (ipek shouted)
A: Not crazy, I'm a doctor.
Unfortunately, you did not realize that you were burning.

By this time Ipek, already awake, told Atesh.
I: okay enough I have already frozen quite a bit.
A: good.

Ateş locked the shower and helped Ipek to go out of the bathroom.
I: Thank you now I'm totally wet because of you.
A: Replace quickly.
I: Go out i need to change.
A: I can help you. (Ateş told her in a flirtatious tone and smiled)
I: Ateş
A: I'm going.

After Ateş left, Ipek pulled out his black pants and a large T-shirt from the closet, and then arrived on the first floor. Ateş was in the kitchen and Ipek also came with him

A: Take it and drink it.
I: What is it?
A: Lemon tea.
I: I want coffee.
A: I want  vacationing in the Maldives.
Ipek got up and went to the coffee maker.
At this time Ateş was covered
I: I have to make coffee. go away.
A: Drink tea first.
Ipek suddenly lost strength in her legs when Ateş hit his hand on her waist and caught her.
A: Sit down and stop experimenting, drink tea until it cools down.
I: I drink and then I have to go to the hospital.
A: One day the hospital won't burn without you.
I: And what if something happen?
A: If you go today, your body will probably not be able to withstand more and you will not be able to work at all soon.
Ipek was silent

Ateş opened the refrigerator ...
A: Maybe if you had learned to eat normally, you would not have had the lowest sugar.
I: My God, who is telling me this ?! A person who eats nothing more than tantuni.
A: I have a strong body unlike you.
I: Where do you conclude that I have a weak body?
A: Have you ever Read your blood test?
I: No, you?
A: Yes.
I: And what did you do with my analysis?
A: Stop asking questions if no, you will drink milk.
I: found a solution.
A: Why are you  here? Go upstairs, relax.
I: Okay, know not to mess with my belongings.
A: No, dear, I will check only the linen (woman's) ...
I: Very funny (said Ipek seriously)

Ipek climbed into the bedroom and just woke up in bed was restless at first, then suddenly fell asleep.
At this time, Ateş took out the vegetables from the refrigerator and started making soup, talking to himself silently:

A: What are you doing ateş? From When were you doing Soups? Or did you take care of someone ....?

1 hour later Ateş called ipek, but no one answered. He went up to the bedroom and saw that Ipek was asleep. he went to her bed, bent down, and gently pulled the hair from her face behind her ear.
A: Ipek ... (Ateş whispered)
I: hmm
A: Come down.
Ipek opened her eyes and asked in a sleeping voice
i: Why?
A: Eat food. It is already evening and you are still hungry.
I: I am not hungry, Ateş.
A: You can't stand like that ...
I: But ...
He got up and taik the plaid from her body
I: What are you doing?
A: Do not Made me call you again, come on quickly.
Ipek stood up, wiped her eyes and tried to wake up, when she arrived at the stairs she felt a strange smell ...
She went into the kitchen and when she saw the soup she said in surprise:
I: No way...!
A: What?
I: Did you prepare for me?
A: Yeah, why were you surprised?
I: Ateş Hekimoğlu has prepared a soup, this sentence can be freely called a 4-word fairy tale.
A: Do not talk much. Eat until to cool.
I: I can not eat.
A: Why?
I: I want life first.
A: Sir?
I: Are you sure I will not be poisoned?
A: Shame. Is it first time when you are eating my prepared food, Ipek tekin?
At this time Ipek remembered the past and her eys filled with melancholy

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