Chapter 2

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*Murphy P.O.V*

" We need to break outta here Murph! ! " Conner exclaimed  *He said pacing back and forth* Which really stressed me out even more " It's been 3 1/2 years bro they should have broke us out by now just last week Romeo died while trying !" I could tell Conner had been drinking a little since some prisoners snuck him in some Beer and Whiskey to pay off Conner to lay off the  poor prisoner  for accidently killing Romeo.

  I sat down and put my hands on my head

"We need to keep clam Conner they are coming they have too, they just have too."

Conner looked at me like he was going to kill me " Jesus Fuckin Christ Murph can't you tell they anit coming !! They probably either ditched us or died.. we have to come with a plan to break out tonight ! Doc still has that place for us he might still be waiting for us ! We have to try are you with me ? I'm going with or with out you." Conner said looking at me with snake eyes.. I don't know what to think the first thing that came outta my head was my answer.. " Hell yea I am !"

*Conners P.O.V *

 He was with me thank god !

Now let's think of a plan..I start before Murphy Cutts me off " I swear if you saw this in a movie imma slit your throat Conner ! I knew he was not lying by the face he made I got quite and started to think again. After 4 hours we fell asleep... we both had that same dream I could tell just by looking at Murphy it was our dad helping us we knew what we had to do.

3 weeks later

*Izzys P.O.V *

I just came home from school it's been a long day now..I glance over at my calendar it was March 29 a day before my 18th birthday me and Danivia share a birthday she was on her way for us to hang at our favorite Pub in Boston. She came running in " Izzy Izzy Izzy turn on channel 12 now right fuckin now !! " She hurried as catched  her breath she sat down beside me on the couch we sat there in complete shock. As I turned up the TV the news lady said " It has been confirmed the Saints of Boston have broke out of prison and are no where to be found if you have seen or heard anything of the Saints please call the toll free number below 1-888- Find The Saints."

We sat their and just looked at each other with our jaws to the floor. I quickly snap outta it " Maybe Uncle Doc knows anything!" I yell at D to grab my car keys and we were out the door on our way to see Doc at the pub for any information. I recently found out he was my uncle when my parents died in a car accident last year and left me to him in their will he's always telling us stories about the McManus bothers and how if we ever met them never go to the police they would throw all of us in prison if he had anything to do with it .

Is This Really Worth Fighting For? A Boondocks Saints Love Story(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now