Catching feelings

Start from the beginning

Mika: I don't think that's an good idea

Chapa: please Mika

Bose: I'll do it

Miles: see Mika just help your twin brother

Mika: don't use that twin thing against me

Miles: I won't use that twin thing ever again if you help me

Mika: fine

*Miles teleports to the front of the line*

Miles: thanks sis

Mika: yea yea

Bose: I don't wanna get on that

Mika: me neither  you wanna get some funnel cake

Bose: can I get a slushy

Mika: it's not up to me

Bose: right
*they walk up to the stand*

Mika: that line is too long

Bose: you wanna go on that blue roller coaster

Mika: sure
*they go ride the roller coaster*

Chapa: that roller coaster was awesome

Miles: it was you wanna go on it again

Chapa: you nearly threw up so no

Miles: I did not

Chapa: you did

Miles: fine but what's that ride over there

Chapa: the one with the heart on it

Miles: yea that one

Chapa: its a couples ride

Miles: I wanna ride it

Chapa: okay first why and second you have no one to go with

Miles: you can go with me

Chapa: what

Miles: yea it'll only be for a good 5 minutes

Chapa: why me

Miles: I don't know but please

Chapa: fine I'll go with you

Miles: thank you Chapa

*they go to the ride*

Worker: hey really cute I can that y'all are in love

Chapa: we're just friends

Worker: well then start dating anyways keep both your arms and legs in the coaster

*5 minutes into the ride*

Miles: this is boring

Chapa: this was your idea

Miles: I thought it would be at least a little bit of fun

Chapa: well obviously you thought wrong

Miles: yea

Chapa: Miles can I maybe tell you something

Miles: sure

Chapa: promise this won't ruin our friendship

Miles: of course it won't

Chapa: okay um I like you

Miles: I like you too

Chapa: no I mean I like you in a I wanna date you way

Miles: that's great because that's what I meant

Chapa: really

Miles: yea I wanted to break up with Kendall so I could tell you but you know

Chapa: yea do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow at around 7

Miles: sure
(My Chiles heart is screaming)

*on the blue roller coaster*

Mika: this was not a bad idea thanks Bose

Bose: I knew you'd like it

Mika: no you didn't

Bose: no I didn't

*they both laugh*
*1 hour later*

Mika: alright our parents are in their way to pick me and Miles up

Chapa: okay oh and I finally told miles about my feelings

Mika: what'd he say

Miles: I told her I liked her too

Mika: that's awesome

Chapa: now we have a date tomorrow

Mika: I'm trying not to die from being so happy

Chapa: me too

Miles: let's go Mika we have to meet mom and dad at the corner

Bose: alright I'll see you guys tomorrow

Mika: bye
*they walk off*

Bose: Chapa can I tell you something

Chapa: sure

Bose: I- um think I have a crush on Mika

Chapa: time to take your name off of the list of people who don't know that

Bose: wait what

Chapa: it's pretty obvious Bose I'm sorry

Bose: do you think Mika knows

Chapa: if she did she probably would've told me that so no and she's the smartest person in our group so I'm surprised

Bose: wow well what do you think I should do about it

Chapa: I don't know ask her out I guess

Bose: that's a great idea

Chapa: yea you should get home now

Bose: thanks for the help Chapa

Chapa: no problem

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