"God, everyone is acting so weird today." Lydia breathed out as she glanced over her shoulder to where Allison was sitting a few rows back.

"Weird, how?" Sam wondered.

"I don't know. Allison told me to stay away from Isaac, Erica and you." She admitted with a shrug.

"What? Why?" Sam asked, managing a small laugh trying to appear innocent.

"I don't know, but I did see Erica sliding her hand up Scott's thigh. So maybe that has something to do with it?" Lydia responded simply with a small shrug as she checked her phone and glanced around the room.

"Maybe." Sam agreed as she reached out and took the bottle from her purse.

When Lydia looked the other way again, Sam put a few drops of the venom onto the now hardened crystal form in the beaker.

"If you catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal." Mr. Harris said as he glanced around the room.

"Now for the part of the experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it." He said.

Sam used the lab tongs to pull the crystal out of the beaker and show it to Lydia.

"Go ahead." Sam urged, nodding as Lydia looked at her.

Taking the crystal from the tongs Lydia looked at it, before raising it to her mouth.

Sam watched as the venom glistened on the crystal and she held her breath.

Hopefully within a few seconds of touching it to her tongue, Lydia would have a reaction to it. Sam would catch her before her head hit the floor and everything would be fine again.

Just as she touched it to her tongue, Scott jumped up and yelled "Lydia!"

But she had no reaction to the venom and asked, "What?"

"Uh-nothing." He mumbled nervously as he sat back down.

Sam's heart sank as Lydia continued to eat the rest of the crystal.

Even with the proof right in front of her, she still couldn't believe it. There was just no way that Lydia was the kanima.

But as she looked out of the window she saw Derek in the parking lot against his car, he'd seen the entire thing and now after school he was going to kill Lydia.


"Any sign of her?"

Sam listened to Erica on her phone, as she rounded the corner into another hallway after her last class.

She came to an abrupt stop as she stared at Lydia, Allison, Stiles and Jackson.

Everyone but Lydia all stared back at her with the same shocked expression as they came to a stop and Stiles extended an arm in front of Lydia to keep her back and protect her.

"Sam? Have you seen Lydia? Isaac and I are headed to the library." Erica's voice poured through the small phone speaker.

Sam glanced over to see the group had just left the library.

"No, don't bother checking the library... she's not there." Sam lied, hoping to buy them some more time.

Shrugging Stiles' arm away from her Lydia started to call out, "Sam!"

In a moment of panic, afraid Erica would hear Lydia's voice over the phone, Sam threw her new phone down hard on the floor.

It's screen busted and the phone went black.

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