Say You Won't Let Go

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This is an OS (off-screen) moment I thought could go following 5x15 "Bash"

Blaine didn't expect a call from Rachel at 2;30 in the morning.

"Hello?" He groaned, turning on his bedside lamp and lamely rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

¨Hey.¨ Rachel answered, yawning. It was clear in her voice that she hadn't been up for very long. Blaine's heart crept up to his throat, his mind assuming the worst. Rachel was never ever up this late, which could have only really meant one thing.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, throwing himself out of bed and immediately assuming the worst, flashbacks of just a few days ago dancing through his mind.

"'s Kurt." She managed.

"What happened?" He demanded. Blaine already had his jeans back on, rushing over to the front door and slinging his jacket over his shoulders. Blaine knew he shouldn't have left Kurt's apartment in the first place, despite Kurt convincing him he would be fine.

"I don't know." Rachel admitted. "He was pretty shaken. He keeps asking for you."

It had barely been a moment, but at this point, Blaine was completely awake. He muttered a quick and meaningful ¨I'll be right there¨ before hanging up and making his way down the street.


Rachel opened the door before Blaine could even knock twice. Her eyes looked dark and tired with worry.

"Where is he?" That was the only question that was running through Blaine's mind. Rachel nodded towards his bedroom, which had been closed off by the curtain, like it usually was during the night. He could now hear faint whimpers which he assumed were coming from his fiance and rushed over to the sound. The section that was Kurt's bedroom was dark, with nothing but the faint glow of the city light coming from the small window next to his bed. Kurt was sitting on his bed, curled up in a ball when he entered, and the sight of him in a state like this made Blaine's heart break.

"B-Blaine?" Kurt whispered. Blaine nodded.

"Yeah. I'm right here." He slid off his jacket, so he was back in just his undershirt and jeans, and pulled Kurt into his arms and to his chest. Kurt didn't necessarily have to explain what had happened. To Blaine, it was written ever so vividly in the tear tracks that now stained his love's face. His breathing was shaky as Blaine held him close, running his fingers through Kurt's hair in an attempt to calm him.

"It's n-never going to go away," Kurt muttered into Blaine's chest, taking the hem of his fiance's tank top in his fingers. "I-I thought I could handle it."

Blaine just nodded, a sense of anger washing over him. There were two men out there who did this to him. Who knows what could've happened if the boy Kurt had saved hadn't come back for him. Those two men on the other hand? They were out there somewhere, and they were walking the same streets as they were. It wasn't fair. The other guy, who he now knew as a boy named Levi, was too scared to leave the house, and the love of his life was too scared to sleep at night. But, why did Blaine feel so guilty? Like he should've been there. He couldn't stand the sight of Kurt being afraid of going into the outside world every day, just because of people like that. Sick people would never come to accept them as normal.

"I...I know we agreed for you to move out, but..." Kurt hesitated, pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth. "Could you maybe, um...stay here?" Blaine traced the line of Kurt's jaw with his fingertip, wiping a tear away, and nodded. Kurt managed to calm down at his gesture, his breathing beginning to steady itself as Blaine pulled him back under the comforter.

The sky was beginning to lighten up, the few stars that were visible fading. Blaine ran his hand over Kurt's back, mumbling a few endearing words before the newly-found urge to sleep overtook them both, finally feeling safe.


Love y'all 💞

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