Rogue Luna chapter 31.

Start from the beginning

"Myself, considering that I am the Alpha," I said calmly.

I didn't get upset with him for snapping at me because he was going through what I was going through, losing our mates.

"Sorry Alpha," He muttered.

I went to sit next to him on his bed.

"Remember the time in high school when we were 16 and you thought you fell in love? You thought she was the one, you even said you hope you never find your mate cause she was all you wanted," I chuckled.

He smiled. "Yeah I really thought she was the one but she broke my little teenage boy heart. After that I knew my mate would never do that to me. And she didn't. Lillian is everything I ever wanted and more," He said sadly.

"And that time when I hooked up with a girl and she was expecting to be the next Luna?" I laughed.

At that Blake smirked. It felt good to have that stupid little smirk back on his face.

"I remember her words like it was yesterday, but Dammy I'm the next Luna, you said you would be good to me." He mimicked her.

"And I said I promised her I would be good to her in bed." I laughed.

"Man we were kind of players in school. I thought we would never find our mates, crazy how our mates ended up being twin sisters," Blake said.

"I don't know how I thought Jade was the one. I was so sure that she would be the next Luna. It's funny because I was gonna mark her that day I found Iris out in the woods. I guess the Moon Goddess couldn't allow that. Imagine how that would turn out," I said.

"Iris would leave your sorry ass." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever Iris would never leave me," At that thought pain shot through my body. I fell onto the floor gasping for air. I wanted to cry out in pain but no sound came from my mouth.

"Damien just hold on we'll get her back!"


This past week has been horrible. My wolf's felt weaker and weaker and there was no sign of Iris.

"Alpha?" I heard a voice.

I looked up from my desk and noticed Jade standing in front of my desk.

"What Jade?" I growled.

"I might have some information as to where the Luna might be." She said with disgust.

I shot out of my seat at her statement. I have been working so hard to find Iris and finally I could possibly have a clue.

"What?! where?" I said excitedly.

"I was patrolling and a rogue came into view and said something about a rogue Luna. He wishes to speak to you," She said.

"Come on we have to go now." I demanded.

Before I could walk out the door she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Don't you see what she's doing to you? She's torturing you and you can't even realize it. Just let her go and we could be normal together. Who knows maybe she wasn't captured, maybe she just ran away," She said sadly.

That pushed me over the edge. I ripped my arm out of her grasp and turned around to push her hard against the wall.

"If you ever speak about Iris like that again I will kill you. Don't you dare say she ran away, I can feel her pain and she would never run away from me. There is nothing between you and me anymore, do you understand?!" I asked as my fist collided with the wall making a huge hole inches away from Jade's head.

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