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To: Jade Thirlwall

From: Jacob Grimm

Subject: Questions and Answers

During our time together you asked many questions. Here are some answers for a few of them. Hopefully this email shall suffice.

First though I must offer restitution for my transgression against you. Though some would suggest my actions were upright I can not perceive this as truth. Howbeit I shall ever remain grateful you choose to be forgiving.

You enquired why I contend with doctrines like feminism. To be fair this is a matter of ideology versus philosophy. As a philosophy I support many doctrines. However ideologues are no different than a mercenary who care more for money than any philosophy or ideology. Why support any doctrine without doing research?

We should not ask what type of planet we are leaving our children. Instead let us ask what type of children we are leaving our planet.

Newton said every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Remember cause, effect, consequence.

Plato in The Republic discusses Socrates arguing for education determining politics. To wit, determining national leaders is not about intuitive choice. He additionally contended whether it is better for statesmen to be physicians or confectioners. The confectioner promises to supply all wants. He accuses the physician of ill intent. The confectioner says, 'He hurts you. He causes you pain. He refuses to give what you want. He tells you what to eat and what not to eat.' What then could the physician reply? Imagine he says, 'The pain is for your good. All I do is to help you be healthy. I care about your needs more than your wants.' This answer would incite the audience to stone him. Socrates remarked deciding a national leader is more education than intuition.

Regarding education I reference  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He said, 'It's an universal law — intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.'

With this you now perceive why I am a Conservative Independent with Centrist leanings. Mainly I am among them who stand on a specific principle. Namely, better dead than Red.

We discussed my dream home only in the abstract and as a vague concept. Here I shall attempt to be more clear in defining my fantasy. Know I would keep silent if there was only myself to consider.

For David I imagine The Mallard whilst for myself Raven's Nest. Both homes would be modified versions of the Moss Creek floor plans bearing these names. Both would use half log stairs on the interior and exterior. Exterior of both would be according to the artist depiction. Only slight difference for Raven's nest rendering involves two things. First, the exposed concrete foundation would be covered with natural Missouri stones like a skin. Imagine stacked stones forming a vertical wall over the foundation. Second, from the exposed stairwell to far wall end of master chamber would be a planting box.

Another commonality is both would use full logs for internal walls wherever and whenever possible. 

Mallard is described as being an image for the American pastime of lakeside recreation. The rear porch and rear deck would be made into one instead of remaining two. Thus master suite has no access outside the interior. The front and rear porches would be merged into a U shape. Then second floor is changed to accommodate four 15x12 bedrooms without sacrificing the bathroom. No bedroom can directly access the bathroom. Each chamber requires entry via the corridor for bathroom access.

Additionally second floor would be converted to four 15 X 12 bed chambers. The stairs would face a full bathroom. Stairs and bathroom would be flanked by two bed chambers each. All bedrooms are equidistant from one another with doors facing each other across the corridor.

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