Remember You, Remember Me

Start from the beginning

"No I'm heading out too." Amanda replied as she stood and grabbed her purse.

The door opened and Jacob looked between them with an apologetic expression.
"I missed the bus."

"Can you take him today?" She asked her mom.

"I really can't. I'm already running late." Amanda said with an empathetic expression as she turned and left for work, leaving the task up to Sam to take care of.

"I... could walk." Jacob offered, seeing how stressed his sister was getting.

"It's okay, I've got time to drop you off." Samantha said as she grabbed her biscuit and soda and nodded for him to follow her out to her car.

After dropping him off she drove to her school but hadn't even gotten out of the car when her brother called to say he must have left his permission slip for the field trip in the car.

Leaning over she saw a folded up piece of paper in the passenger side floorboard.

Knowing if she didn't bring it back to him, he'd have to stay at school instead of going on the trip she backed out of the parking spot she'd just pulled into and headed back to her brother.

A ball of nerves was growing inside of her stomach when she made it back to the high school and knew she'd be late getting to class.

She hated having all eyes on her and dreaded knowing the scene it would make when she walked in, considering who her teacher was.

Pulling in a deep breath, she did her best to steady herself before pulling open the door to the classroom and walking in.

Mr. Harris stood and walked over to her, "Miss Evans, how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence."

"I'm so sorry. My little brother missed the bus and then I had to go back to his school cause he forgot something." She blurted out nervously as the entire class watched her.

"You've got 15 minutes until class ends. Let's hope you can get enough answers scribbled down to pass. We both know you're barely maintaining a C in this class." He said as he pushed the test into her hand.

She could feel her cheeks darken as she surveyed the classroom before she headed to the back and took her seat.

The rest of the day passed just like any other day of high school for her.

She sat by herself at lunch and kept her head down in the hallway in between classes.

When school let out she headed to her job as a waitress at a local restaurant and stopped by the store after work.

Another day of monotony.
An endless cycle of taking care of everyone around her at the expense of her own well-being and mental health.

Rinse. Repeat.

Sometimes the only thing that kept her going was the very same thing that made her want to run away; all of the responsibility carried on her shoulders.

She was tired. Her feet hurt from her cheap work shoes.
Shoulders weighed down with a level of perpetual exhaustion that sleeping for a week wouldn't be enough to cure

Her shopping at the small convenience store was done on autopilot, with thoughts racing over everything that still needed done when she got home and how badly she just wanted to crawl into bed and shut the rest of the world out.

As low as she felt inside, she still mustered enough strength to offer a smile and thank you to the cashier at the store.

A gesture and effort that wasn't returned as the guy working the check-out lane stared down to his cellphone the second he'd handed her the receipt for the purchase.

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