Remember You, Remember Me

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Plus, he'd been taking an extra long time to pick out his clothes for the schooldays lately. She suspected he might have a crush on a classmate, but if he did he wasn't talking about it.

Taking some frozen biscuits from the freezer she put them on a tray in the oven, then headed down to the basement to get her brothers jacket out of the dryer from the last time she'd done laundry.

Even if she was to exhausted to bother with her own laundry most days, she always made sure Jake and her mom had clean clothes ready to go.

Returning upstairs to the kitchen she made a pot of coffee.

Soon her mother walked in the room, dressed in her nursing scrubs and with a black turtle neck shirt under them to hide the scar on her neck.

Crossing the kitchen she got some tap water in a glass before she took her pill case from her purse and took her morning dose of her medication.

Grabbing her mom's insulated coffee cup from the cabinet, Samantha filled it with coffee and a little cream, before snapping the lid back on and handed it to her.

"Do I smell biscuits?" Amanda questioned.

"Yeah, I overslept and didn't have time to cook anything else." She apologized as she pulled the tray from the oven and sat it on the stove top, then dropped the dish cloth she'd used to pick the hot tray up from the counter.

"Do you want them to go?" Samantha glanced over her shoulder.

Checking the time on her phone Amanda said, "I should have time before I leave for work."

Nodding, she put a few of them on a plate and slid them to her mom as she sat down at the island in the kitchen.

Her mom nodded thanks and Sam yelled for her brother when she saw the time.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Juice and biscuits." Sam answered as she laid out two biscuits on some paper towel and pulled a small bottle of juice out of the refrigerator.

"Jelly." He said as he pulled on his jacket that his older sister had laid out for him.

"Sorry, I had a doctor's appointment after work yesterday and forgot to the go to the store." Amanda apologized to her children as she hung her head.

"It's okay, mom. We've got... peanut butter." Sam exclaimed as she went through the cabinets.

"You're joking right? Peanut butter on biscuits?" Jacob asked her as he crossed his arms over his chest and his button nose wrinkled.

Looking at her brother who was in the fifth grade she tried to convince him, "Yes, lots of people eat theirs like that."

"Nobody I know does that." He mumbled, as Samantha cut the biscuit in half and slathered some peanut butter between the halves.

Folding more paper towel around them she said, "You're eating on the run today. Go, before you miss the bus."

He took it from her and picked his bottle of juice up before rushing out of the house.

The bit of relief she felt at her brother not sticking around to argue further quickly faded when she checked the time on her phone and saw it was getting late.

She had a chemistry for the the first class of the day and they had a test that morning.

Putting some peanut butter on her own biscuit, she also grabbed a can of soda.

"Coke, this early in the morning?" Amanda asked her 16 year old daughter.

"I need the caffeine and I can't drink my coffee without sugar." She replied.

• Phase •  Derek Hale/OC  • Teen Wolf Fanfiction •Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora