The struggles of a star

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Roman Kingsley has been an actor since he was seven, and now at twenty-seven, his carrer starts to fall apart along with his mental health.

Virgil Storm has been happily in a realtionship for 12 months, he even quot his carrer as an actor for his boyfriend, but when on the day he plans to propose, his boyfriend breaks up with him, he's disappointed and  starts back up his carrer.

Both end up offered to star in the reality tv series; Stars of Hollywood. They take the offer as soon as they could, but the network is determited to live up to reality.

That's the bio for this book, and I do not reccomed this book for people who are not in a good place. This book will be dealing with depression, and sucidal actions and thoughts.

More warnings inculde, Truama, breakups, codepedent realtionships, toxic realtionships, false realitys, tons of flashbacks, honestly just lots mental struggles and issues.

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