Chapter 2 - How I got this way

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Hisashi let out a sigh, tapping his fingers as he rested his head against the table, listening to his teacher droning on and on about math. It was his first year in elementary school, but really, did they have to be stuck learning about all these dumb things like addition and subtraction?

Since he had just turned six a few days ago, it had been around two years since his first hospital visit, and thus, he was scheduled for another check-up. After school, his mom would have to pick him up and drive him all the way back to Musutafu for it. Sure, he understood that only a select few major hospitals had the specialized equipment for all this quirk stuff, but he didn't even need an x-ray this time; why on earth did they have to drive all the way there?

"-riya... Midoriya! Midoriya Hisashi! Are you listening?!"

Hisashi blinked as he heard his teacher calling his name. The irate mathematics teacher was tapping her wooden ruler against the teacher's table, as she scowled sarcastically, "Glad to see you're still with us, and not zoning out, Mr Midoriya."

She smacked her ruler against the board, where the equation "7 + 8" was written, "Now, would you be so kind as to answer this question?"

Hisashi quickly answered the question, and the mathematics teacher went back to teaching. His throat was getting itchy again, and Hisashi grabbed his water bottle and chugged a few mouthfuls down. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to go use the bathroom until after the mathematics lesson was over; their next lesson was Physical Education, and Hisashi was really looking forward to whatever sports their teacher would be letting them try out.


Fuku dug around in her bag as she conversed with the nurse at the counter, trying to find the documents she needed. Hisashi peeked behind the counter, and found a familiar green haired girl scribbling on a piece of paper with crayons.


The girl looked up, took one look at Hisashi, and grinned, "Ah! It's you!"

"What are you doing here?" Hisashi asked, "Another check-up?"

"Ah... nope." Inko smiled sweetly, "My father works here! My mom's busy, and my father refuses to leave me in after school care because the kids there are mean! So he just brings me here! I think he has a meeting now, so he just left me here for the time being."

"Oh." Hisashi grinned, "Your dad's a doctor? That's cool!"

"I know, right?" Inko's eyes lit up, "Both my parents are awesome! Like... my mom can refract light into lasers through her nails! And my dad has the ability to levitate small objects around him! Which is like... super handy for operations... I think?"

Suddenly, she fell silent, and looked back at her drawing. Hisashi tilted his head slightly, "Are you... okay?"

"Yeah." Inko nodded, "I just... wish they were less busy..."

"Oh..." Hisashi glanced up at his mom, who was still talking to the nurse. His dad always left really early in the morning, before Hisashi himself even woke up for school, and came back late in the evening. His mom was the one who always took him to school, cooked dinner, did the laundry, but apparently, she could do her work at home on her laptop.

Fuku looked down at Hisashi, before she noticed Inko's presence, and she let out a small smile, "Hello again, dear. I believe your name is Akatani, right?"

Inko nodded, "Yeah! Akatani Inko! It's nice to see you again, Mrs Midoriya!"

Fuku shot Inko a kind smile, "We have to wait a while for our appointment. How about you join us for a small chat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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