Unwanted Memories

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Third point of view:

Waking up every day had the same effect, that Megumi got used to. He felt the same grogginess and morning sickness everyday. He hadn't told anyone, not even his sister, but he could remember bits of things from when he was a newborn. Every now and then, he would have a dream of where he recollected a memory.

"Do you want to name him?"

"Why would I have to name him?"

"Because I see you when I look at him."

"....Megumi, I want to name him Megumi."

"Ok, what do you want to name HIM."

"Megumi means blessings, that's the name I'm gonna give him."

"Ok, I like it."

Megumi wakes up in cold sweat with his emotions muddled, reality comes crashing down on him, Kugisaki is dead, Itadori could be executed, Tsumiki is laying awake in the hospital recovering from her coma. He blinks a few times so that he can process the dream that just woke him up. He breaths deeply and runs his hand through his hair and swings his feet over the bed, getting up. 


CRASH, "You know I'd really appreciate it if you would stop showing off the little strength you have by throwing chairs at me and helping me set them up." Gojo smirked. 

Utahime just huffed and sat down, "If you want me to stop throwing chairs at you, shut up and respect your elders." 

"And if I don't." Gojo asked with his voice low and his posture tense. Utahime raised her eyebrows almost like a challenge. And if there was anything that Gojo liked, it was a challenge. He walked across the room, his footsteps being the only noise in the way too silent room. Utahime looked like she was ready to throw another chair, but before she could do anything he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Utahime froze, not doing anything, almost anticipating his next move. Her heart skipped a beat and could feel herself getting red, but despite that she fisted her hand and got ready to punch him. 

As if expecting this Gojo took his free hand and pinned her hand behind her back. He leaned in till the point where both of them to hear their heavy breathing. Despite that annoying voice in her heart, she took her foot and jammed it into his knee. 

Gojo fell backward onto the couch, "Well that was worth a try." He laughed, brushing himself off with a grin. Utahime opened her mouth with an angry stutter when they heard the unmistakable footsteps of Shoko. 

Shoko burst into the room her cigarette already dangling in her mouth. She analyzed the stiff room with a eyebrow raised. 

"Oh, I thought Utahime would've thrown something at Gojo already?" 

Utahime busy with fixing her hair while covering her pink cheeks pointed at the fallen chairs that had bounced off of Gojo's infinity. Shoko clicked her tongue, ashes falling to the ground from her lit cigarette.  

" Ok after we clean up", she motioned to the fallen chairs, " we can go get drinks and get ready for the party"

Gojo showed a big smile before sticking a thumbs up while Utahime merely nodded still facing the other way. "We'll continue this later," he said with a wink. 



It was almost 4:30 before Megumi stepped in the shower to get ready for the party the teachers had set up for us. He closed his eyes longer than he should've after he finished his shower. The steam from the shower felt suffocating but relaxing at the same time. He looked in the foggy mirror, his distorted reflection before him, giving him no relief nor stress for what's about to come. 

He slipped his uniform on and looked at the mirror one last time before he left. And this time his reflection looked back at him as if in warning. Dismissing his discomfort, he turned around to leave, but tripped over a misplaced tile in the bathroom. Steadying himself against the doorframe, Megumi felt the world spinning around him as unease pooled in his gut.  

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